Monday, March 12, 2012

Phone Photo Fun -- Toddler Fashion

I haven't linked up with Savanah and Ashlee in a bit, so here goes!

We all know the little people are so strange, so very, very strange, and yes, we allow them to be just that. No need to remind you of wretched cries, arched backs, bodies rolling on the floor, or refusal to do anything when they are denied something simple. 

Simple. Something as simple as wearing footed jammies as a cape all morning.

We choose our battles.   And this particular battle was way too cute to fight. 

What's on my mind, you ask? 

Oh, just that today I might save the world! 

What? You think I'm kidding? 
Let me show you how the back works.

Ha Ha! Momma let me wear this all morning! 


Erin said...

bahahah LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha he is cute!

Unknown said...

looks just like my household. my daughter is in that same phase, but now everything has to be princess clothes. she will grab a random shirt and polka dot pants and say its her princess dress. gotta love toddlers. ha!

newest follower! have a great week.

Lindsey@SomethingsGottaGive said...

These pics make me want to squish hug him! What a joy reading this post was! M asks every singe morning to wear his one "wehwoh" shirt and to watch "Thomas". When I say no, which is often, he throws himself to the floor in abject despair. You're right though- some battles are too cute for the fight!

Natalie said...

This is hilarious! You never know what kind of day you are going to have :)

Anonymous said...

hehehehe too stinkin cute!

Savanah said...

HAHAHA! I'm laughing out loud over here! :) What a cutie!

Love your new layout as well!! :)

Savanah said...

HAHAHA! I'm laughing out loud over here! :) What a cutie!

Love your new layout as well!! :)