Tuesday, November 20, 2012

24 Weeks and Counting

If you haven't noticed, posting about being pregnant isn't really my "thing." Sometimes I wonder if deep down I refrain becauseI know the struggle to get pregnant and another weekly update is not what the blogging world needs. Of course I don't mean to offend. On the other hand, I do wish I did weekly updates (for my pregnancy with W for that matter as well) in order to have a comparison of feelings, weight gain, cravings, etc. Pregnancy is such a blessing, so why not celebrate it!

For the past 24 weeks, it's just been natural and a part of life. The first trimester reared its sneaky I'll-make-you-oh-so-tired-and-queasy head, and a few weeks into the second trimester brought relief. Here we are, ready to enter into the third trimester, and this is what's been happening. Before we get there, let's review:

Due: March 8
Actual Arrival: Sometime in the week preceding March 8 as we will have another C-section. (Well, considering all goes normal)
Gender: We'll all find out early March!
Guesses: Momma thinks it's a boy; daddy thinks a girl. The Sheriff? He changes his mind daily.

I'm not a huge fan of my own belly pics, but people like these sorts of things, so I grabbed the camera to snap a couple before heading out for my appointment. You can tell I'm such a rookie at these things by J's advice, "So, next time you take selfies, take the strap off!" Noted. 

Pregnancy Highlights of Late:

*We've begun the moving furniture around (and out!) process to prepare for Baby's nursery. And this process? Makes me giddy!

*Speaking of a new nursery, a certain Big Brother's old nursery is in a slow conversion to a toddler's room. J and I have the discussion nightly about transitioning to a new bed. Sometimes the conversation reoccurs because I've forgotten what we decided. Mostly, I just can't decide if we should move a perfectly content in a crib toddler into a larger bed. And if we do, should we go toddler sized bed or move ahead to a full? It seems silly to go to a toddler bed if we are transitioning because it's not larger than a crib. Why move him then? 

Here's where you put your two cents in, readers. Please and thank you. 

*Big Brother is growing into his role and showing a bit more interest.  I'll give him his own post later this week. 

*I'm pregnant, and that's a beautiful, God-sent highlight in itself! 


Elizabeth said...

Happy 24 weeks!! You look great!!

Natalie said...

Pregnancy really looks good on you! W will be a great big brother. It's hard to say on the crib...we kept Nolan in his and bought another one for the baby...but some people like to go ahead and transition the toddler into a big boy bed. Nolan is so happy in his crib and sleeps so well...I figured I wouldn't mess with a good thing!

Unknown said...

You look fabulous! I say if he's happy then leave him!

Danielle said...

You look great! And I agree with Mandy-if W is happy in the crib, leave him for as long as you can!

Nicole said...

You look so beautiful. This role is perfect for you.

The offer still stands. Nice yellow crib. Personally, I would keep him in the crib. But if you decide to move him and don't have the bigger bed just yet or don't want to commit to buying one right now, IKEA has a toddler bed for 70. Not too pricey and he can use that for a couple of years.

Joeylee said...

You look great.

Keira sleeps great in her crib too but once a week when kaylee spends the night at grandmas Keira practices by sleeping in kaylees bed and she sleeps really well in the big kid bed. She'll be getting her big girl bed this weekend for her birthday

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Hooray! You are so ding dang durn cute! Glad you are feeling well! I hope y'all ahve a very happy thanksgiving!

hi. Im Faith. said...

you look so great!!! your hubby is hilarious- strap or no strap, you and your baby bump is beautiful!

there's a lot of factors in deciding about the crib. everyone seems to agree to keep him in the crib if he's doing well in it. if you want to use that crib for new baby, then that doesn't leave you much choice. so in deciding between a toddler bed or full size bed, we personally skipped the toddler bed because it didn't seem efficient. and aiden did just fine on the full size bed with a rail.

Savanah said...

You look so pretty!!!! I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl :)

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous! such a perfect picture of your bump too.

We talked about the crib to bed thing before our son was born too.

We didn't change thing unless we needed to or if they weren't working :)

Unknown said...

You are pregnant and beautiful! Sorry for the million and one comments today. I have sucked at reading blogs and I am excited to catch up. I love this pregnancy post! I hope to see more in the near future. You are beyond thoughtful to think of others who are struggling in this process, but we like to celebrate the ones who made it (so to speak) as well. So happy for you and your growing family.