Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Splish Splash Birthday Bash -- The Rubber Duck Cake

Thanks to pinterest, I found the perfect cake! And even better? I could make it myself for far less than having one made. More importantly, it involved both Cowboy's and my father-in-law's favorite candy. A win on all levels! The original Kit Kat Cake  was full of bright colors and would be perfect for a rainbow party, but you can adapt this however you like. I also saw a picture with graham cracker sticks as the border which would also be fun; however, if there was a possibility of Kit Kats in this house and then none showed up, well, there might have been some trouble! 

Sorry I don't any step-by-step photos. Again, the mad rush of the day (and day before) got in the way of my photography! 

I just Betty Crocker made a vanilla mix perfect for two round cakes. I baked as directed, cooled, frosted the top of one, stacked the other on top, and frosted the sides and top. Best part? You don't have to worry about smooth frosting. It's all covered! 

I broke apart the Kit Kat bars into twos and used 4 large packages of them. I did have to cut the bars down with a knife so they weren't too tall. Be sure to make the bars tall enough to serve as a border for the M&Ms so they don't fall off the cake. 

After you're surrounded the cake with the bars, cover with the M&Ms and tie a ribbon around to keep everything in place. Cutting was easy. (At least I think so, right Mom?). Just but between every two bars.  This also leaves you with plenty cake! 


erica said...

How cute and clever is that cake! I just found your blog and absolutely adore it! I am your newest follower!



What an AWESOME cake!!!

Ginger Hanchey said...

What a cool idea! I love it!

Cajun Cowgirl said...

Thanks Ginger! I hadn't put two and two together until Jacob told me who you were! :) Thanks for stopping by!