Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Confession

I'm pretty sure there is a link-up day for confessing things but I'm not at the point of trying to find it, so I'm going for it solo and confessing that:

*My email inbox is so cluttered, my friends, so, so cluttered. I can't respond back to all of your sweet comments. And I've even emailed some of you, and you so kindly wrote back and I read it and haven't responded. I've got to just go in and delete. It's time. I've got to move forward. So forgive me and stay in touch and don't think I'm a terrible friend. I just need to delete so I can catch up and move forward to today and go from here. I promise I'll be better.

*I've also been terrible about commenting on your blogs. I might just pull the "Mark all as read' move on Google Reader and start over.

And there you have it, my post for today. The little guy is awake, so nap time holds more email deleting, blog reading, hopefully a blog post for tomorrow, and oh yea, the ironing.

Hope your day is full of shenanigans and giggles!


Mrs. Mama said...

omg i ADORE that picture!! gorgeous!!

p.s. emails are the death of my soul.

haha :)

Natalie said...

Awww what a great pic! I know sometimes I want to do that to my when I got back from vacay!

Erin said...

We forgive you and love you anyways! I've hit marked all as read more than I like to admit :)

Also, places and times for linking up confessions: Mid-week confessions with E, Myself and I. You should find her blog if you don't already read it you'll love her.

Last, but not least, LOVE that photo of you and W!

Jamie said...

That pic is too cute. Delete away!

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Love the pic! I pullled a "mark all as read" the other day. I had over 4000 unread and I just couldn't do it. I need a way to organize them better.

Happiness Is... said...

I love that picture!!!

Sometimes you do just have to delete and move on. I get it, I have been there!

Joeylee said...

love that picture of the two of you, adorable!

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

I say delete & start fresh! We all need to do this once in awhile :) Preciois pic of you & your lil man!

Anonymous said...

I am so behind in commenting! It is so hard to keep up with all the blogging things you can do during blogging time.

Nicole said...

Seriously! That photo rocks!

But come on, get reading and commenting!

Kidding, of course!

the workaholic momma said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that bottom pic of you guys!!! I totally hear you on the email thing....I'm so bad at it to and it just gets totally overwhelming!!! Hope you have a good week:)

Am I Really Grown Up? said...

We forgive you. Life is hectic. And Downy Wrinkle Reducer is my best friend. No more ironing except for famcy clothes or occasional touch ups on my ruffly shirts to keep them down.

Ducky said...

Sometimes you just have to do that...DELETE and breathe. Especially on a Monday.

So glad you stopped by and let me know. Great to find a new read as well!!


Anonymous said...

Notice how I'm behind I am on everything. I totally get this. And I'd still love ya if ya delete all my stalking comments in my attempt to catch up!! We all have been there!!

LOVE that pic of y'all!!!