Monday, April 13, 2015

Registration Complete

I waited nervously as kids shuffled in at the last minute that Monday morning. I had the first appointment, little eager beaver that I can be sometimes. And this whole registration business wasn't just new to me this year. The entire district changed its registration process, so the school had a few loose ends to tie up as well. Mostly, I just wanted to make sure I did my part. Surely the pile of documents I gathered contained everything we needed to start the next chapter of our first born son's book. I'll admit it; I'm not the type who has to come back. It wasn't going to happen. Not on my watch!

The bell rang, a kind face appeared on the television announcements, and then a group of sweet kids led the Pledge of Allegiance and Texas pledge. I surely stood out as I kept my hand over my heart for the latter. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to raise my right hand. Details.

Soon enough the principal's assistant was rolling through her checklist and flipping through my paperwork. I was given more to fill out. The nurse needed this information, the state that information, and the principal and teachers -- well, they needed this handy little questionnaire, a bit of a tell us about your child. 

So I got to thinking about strengths and weaknesses. And then there were his hobbies and "anything else you want us to know." These simple questions lit a tiny fire of panic in my heart. There weren't that many lines. Don't they know I need a larger word count? 

But if I don't spell it out, will they know? Will they see that he's funny and kind (maybe not so much to his brother) and smart and creative and all the good stuff? Surely I need to explain his needs (read :: weaknesses) instead of just listing these ways in which he's just still growing and maturing? If I tell the truth, will they think we aren't so much cut out for this parenting business?

Is running a hobby? The kid does like to run. 

And yet, I can't be "that mom." 

And I wasn't. I listed his big qualities in each section, called it a day. And it felt right. We finished up the paperwork and checked off this box and that one, said our goodbyes, and I walked back home to high five my future kindergartener! 

I'm pretty sure my peace on that walk was visible. Maybe I had a goofy grin on my face. I certainly felt one in my heart. All those strengths and weaknesses -- they are his. They aren't mine.  This is his journey after all. He's going to make his way. 

And, while we daily do our best as parents to guide him, he's in bigger hands. The same Father that created me and carries me is his Father. The same Father that knows the plans for my heart is his Father with the plans for his heart.  

And I can't wait to see where He leads him. 

Be sure to stop by Houston Moms Blog today to enter to win a fantastic kindergarten prep series. And there's a coupon code too! 

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