Thursday, February 18, 2010

Now In Doubt...

I'll admit it; I'm dubious about the quality of this post. I'm just warning you now. While well aware that in public speaking (of which blogging is some form) one should not apologize for the upcoming address and what it might lack, I will do so just the same. Lo siento, mi amigos.

But I'll take my own blog name advice: add more salt. While I don't know what exactly will spice up this entry, I can at least share some items that, should we have unlimited funds from which to draw, would make many of our lives easier, more interesting, nerdier, more stylish, whatever we'd need to give it more flavor.

What better place to start talking about life's "salt" than the place where it all begins: the kitchen.

My culinary wish list begins with a sleek KitchenAid Stand Mixer. Moms always know best, and mine strongly suggested to register for one of these when we got married. My low-maintenance, tuna-fish sandwich loving and George Foreman grilled chicken making enjoyed preparing meals and desserts then, but little did I know the world to be explored. After becoming a "foodie," I see the errors of my ways. Come on, even Ina Garden, who this foodie perhaps finds only slightly less annoying than Alton Brown on the Food Network, includes the divine kitchen invention in her kitchen commandments.

Dear family reading this post, Christmas present? Turning 30 next year, can I give you a stronger hint than this?

I don't know yet which color I'd get. Some kitchens look awesome with a bright, bold model that draws the eye. I personally think my own kitchen would be happily sophisticated with the black.

Moving through the rest of the house, the first thing I'd do it hire someone to coordinate colors and then proceed to paint all rooms, including hallways. I'm just not good at that sort of thing.
If you then went into the master bedroom, which I try to keep clean and free of daily clutter, stories, and happenings, thus creating a calmer ambiance (Cajun Cowboy, you are not allowed to comment on how successful I am at this.), you'd see a "woodsy" decor. To perhaps keep some of my clutter contained AND match the room, I want Red Envelope's jewelry tree.

Perhaps though, it's fashion that I need to spice up. A little part of me is always attracted to hot shoes, but just a little part. Unfortunately, I'm more of a practical girl and wearing something painfully high and blisteringly too tight just doesn't appeal to me. Plus, I'm not the best at confidently pulling them off runway style. These are two styles that do surely catch my attention; however, I can't even try right now. Being 5 months pregnant, no part of me wants to make the attempt. It might as well be Shaun White's double McTwist 1260.

Both are Jessica Simpson, but again, you won't see me in these any time soon.

However, perhaps "momma" can take on these. Rugged, comfy, made for taking on the world around--these are my kind of shoe!

Yet I'm not all practicality and tomboyish. I think these owleye shoe clips from Etsy are simply adorable. Check out the site. There are other accenting items as well.

So it's not always about me. What other "spices" are out there?

Guys, been eating too much? Need a little tuck here and there? Try new Spanx for men!

More of a V-neck guy?

Hmmm.... nah!!

And finally, for the OCD, I mean "organized" among us, check out this shower notepad:

Song lyrics? Sweet notes to your honey? Grocery list? Yes indeed.

Perhaps you've seen something that caught your eye. Perhaps not. Either way, there you have it, another blog post, typed with love, and dusted with a sprinkle of this Cajun Cowgirl's spice--whatever that is.

Now it's time for me to step away from the salty popcorn I've been munching, get up off the couch, and do something active!


Erin+Josh said...

I actually got a pair of Jessica Simpson cute, red...anyways, I can't wear them or I need crutches for 3 days after. Shame. I stick to the wedges or flats if i can! It's ok to dream though =)

Alisha said...

I seriously cannot believe that you have a blog about cooking & you don't own a Kitchenaid Mixer. I hope you get your wish of getting one soon, whatever the color. Me, I have a pink one. And for my 27th birthday, I got a pink 12 cup food processor to match. They are literally a match made in kitchen heaven. I don't know how I ever lived without either. May all your wishes come true-- seems like a good year for you so why not hope?