Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ain't Life Grand

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. 
~Author Unknown

On our trip to LA last week we had the blessing of introducing Wyatt to his great grandparents. These are the wonderful people in our lives that have showered us with kindness and inspired us with the love they have for life and those around them. We have so much to learn from the depth of their laughter, the sincerity of their smiles, and the warmth of their hugs. They have met life head on and are models of how we all might make the best of the hands we are dealt.

Thank you Ju Ju, Paw Paw, Weenie, and Grandpa Johnny for all that you are!

Wyatt meets Ju Ju


Babies recognize a grandma's love

One generation

And the next--Hi Weenie!

He can see the spark in her eyes

A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart. 
~Author Unknown

Loving Life with Grandpa Johnny

The sweetest kisses
How have your grandparents inspired you?

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