Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big Ten!

Dear Sheriff,
This last month has been so wonderful. We love watching you not only explore your world but also find comfort in your own home. You are intense passionate like your Daddy, and I love this about you! I cannot wait to hear what you have to say about your toys, your teeth, your bed, your Momma and Daddy, your backyard, everything! And if you wanted to give us just one little word right now, that would be ok too!

If I had to guess... you'll be an engineer of some sort! When you play you seem to seek to understand just how that music is coming out of your toy or how those bubbles are coming out of that little wand. You might have even managed to score a bit of his OCD (I say it like it's a good thing!) because you like to tamper with my habit of not allowing a flat surface to go uncluttered. :)If you can reach the surface, I can be sure that you will knock off whatever I've got on there. Have you and Daddy been working on this secretly when I teach CCE? I'm suspicious.

You're happiest get to clap. It still seems to be your favorite thing. Opportunities for clapping include: hearing people get excited on television (during a game perhaps), at the end of a song (you know it's the end and the appropriate response), when Daddy gets homes, when you wake up, whenever you hear "good job," "yea!," "you did it!" for whatever reason.

I have to pick a second "You're happiest when..." moment because for a while I had to hide the toy below. It was too high maintenance, but at this point you've figured it out completely. Not only can you turn it on, but you can chase the balls that fly out, put them back in, and even pick up the toy itself when you knock it over trying to pull up on it. Good job my friend!

You taught me...that a good afternoon becomes a great afternoon when you add  bubbles, balls, and an outdoor swing!

Your belly loves..Cheese! Shredded, on a sandwich, or combined with tiny pasta, it's all good to you.

You're still working on...speaking! Can a girl get a Momma already! Just kidding. Unless you're gonna do it!

The photo that represents you...Look at those teeth! And you're outside! And in the water!
There is probably a bird or airplane in the sky too. You love looking for both.

One of your feats...You are a throwing/rolling all-star! You love balls and are figuring out exactly what to do with them.
Another Momma favorite--picking out the puppy and duck in your books. So smart, little one!

What I want you to know.. We love that you love books, and I hope that we can continue to foster this. Your favorites? Well, there's always Brown Bear, but you've recently taken to Ten Little Rubber Ducks to your go-to selection. Others include a touch-and-feel farm animal book, Goodnight Moon (only the colored pages really), and your "church collection" which includes a book about the saints (St Anthony is in there!), one about a little snowflake (not so fitting for TX, I know), and The Hungry Caterpillar. I'm trying to introduce others, but if you are in a true "reading" mood, I better pick one that you recognize! We read before your naps and often at other times during the day as well. You are one heck of a page turner!
You know your mom is an English teacher when your Easter basket is full of books. I threw in a couple of balls and a new t-shirt for fun, but mostly, just books. You're building quite the collection. Next year I promise I'll fill it with yummy goodies and other fun toys.

If all else fails...sing "Apples and Bananas." This classic works like a charm when changing diapers and eating.

New to you...the front windows and really understanding what "go outside" means. I simply love the boy in you (even if that means our afternoons typically negate my showering).
You've mastered four tricks: waving bye bye, "head tilting," waving both arms in the arm to signify great excitement, and waving to someone across the room. Can I brag any more about you?!

A favorite day...was such a silly day! While you were swinging I decided to work on waving with you as I walked around the patio table. This seems to be funny in itself as you always smile a bit, but you really cracked up when I began dancing and jumping around. Good thing our backyard has a fence! But, I will do anything to hear that belly laugh of yours and I got just that (and a good workout too!)

Your jams are..."If you're happy and you know it," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and "Where is Thumbkin?" are hits around here. Man, we need to start listening to more radio kid!

My heart melted confuse fish and kiss (I think). We make fish faces together and you often lean in for a kiss as well.

Today's your actual 10 months, and I'm actually on time! There's no Piglet picture yet. Another day, another post. Sit tight and hold your skirts. It's coming!

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