Monday, August 15, 2011

Fun With Our Phones Linkup

I'm contemplating a blogging hiatus, you know, some sort of sabbatical to spend a bit more time living life than attempting to chronicle it. But that's neither here nor there for tonight as I promised Savanah in a tweet earlier that I'd link up! So here goes!

(And if you want to play later, use the button above, post the pics you took with your cell phone, and then link up on her original post. Show a fellow Houston blogger some love!)

I've got an older phone, and the camera stinks, but I grab it every now and then to see what it can do. I can't wait until the new iPhones come out so I can get a new one, and by new one I mean, Cowboy gets a new one and I get his hand-me-down. I'm ok with that.

Temporary baby "gate" breached.

Hey hubs, you forgot your breakfast!

A certain Somebody went from a sometimes cute, but often times out of control, head of curly hair...

 to a big boy cut! (Yes, Momma cried, and yes, you will get an entire blog post dedicated to it soon.)

Oh hi handsomes! I love a nighttime snuggly Sheriff, and apparently Cowboy does as well.


Lindsey said...

I cried over cutting off Matthew's curls, too!

Nicole said...

I have one with curly hair. And every time I take him to get his hair cut, I tell them not to cut the curls. I still can't face that his curls are gone.

Liz Taylor said...

What a cute family. The oatmeal to go bars are soooooooo convenient! I feel like I am always running late

Savanah said...

haha, thanks for linking up again!!!
I can't believe the Sheriff's curls are gone!! He is still a cutie though :)

The Mrs. said...

Look at those curls! Get outta town!! Too cute!

Celia Houck said...

oatmeal to go bars are the best!! and aww so sad that the curls had to go away. :o( they were so adorable!

Erin said...

Aww, my baby is getting close to needing his "first" haircut and I am just going to continue to procrastinate. I will certainly cry! Thanks for linking up with me and Savannah! {hope you'll forgive me for the late comment} Have a lovely weekend!