The weekend is finally here! And we'll have an action packed one over here complete with lots of football and even a trip to the County Fair. But before we jump in, I'm linking up with Erin today (who has wowed me with her shopping skills by the way!) to remember and be grateful for a few of my many blessings.
This week I'm FINDING THE JOY in:
*TOLERATING our lack of fall weather. I don't know why I check the 8 day forecast. Seeing temps in the mid 90s for the week is just depressing. Just tolerating is hard enough, so I am grateful for the grace the handle it.
*the journey of parenthood. That might sound cheesy, but each day comes with its own smiles and its own challenges. I am so grateful God has trusted J and I with the responsibility of raising this little one.
*Chicken nuggets and fries! What am I -- 6?
* Combining this post with my usual sometimes-gets-done Friday post.
Thanks again to Nicole for passing this along; it grounds me!
Outside my window... it's still so hot. Can a girl just wear jeans already? I know I complain about this A LOT, but the heat is really wearing on me.
I am wondering... if the shift I'm volunteering at tonight will let me off a bit early. Doubtful.
I am wearing... gray shorts and a Rice University t-shirt. W has loved pointing out the letters today while I sing "Lovely Letters" (That's for you Cowboy!).
I am loving... Fall TV...somewhat. It's premier week, and I've got high expectations. Some shows are hitting them; others, not so much. Parenthood, for example. didn't wow me, nor did The Office. That being said, I do love the shows so they aren't going anywhere around here! And I love Jillian Michaels on The Doctor and still hope TBL manages to ger her back.
From the kitchen... Cannot wait to try Erin's Pizza Muffins! I had planned on it this weekend, but some other plans crept up, so we'll save them for next week some time. I am also loving Greek yogurt and have found some awesome prices lately.
One of my favorite people... My friend Sara who will have a sweet baby boy soon. I am so happy for her and her family and am praying for the safe arrival of their little guy.
I am grateful... for The Sheriff's love. That little fellow can sure be sweet.
I am thinking about... the pressure around these parts (TX I suppose) to put your little one in "school." I am torn about how I feel about this. I guess it will depend on what we can afford in terms of me continuing to stay home, if (when!) there is another baby, and what W's needs are. I am contemplating the "homeschool" idea for a sort of pre-school. We'll see.
Sheriff... is learning how to use his legs (which finally reach) to push himself on his little cars which is super cute to watch. He's also in to jumping (or trying to) whether standing or on his bottom. Too cute!
A picture thought I am sharing...
Have a wonderful weekend and go link up and share your joy!
You're not asking...but I'm giving my opinion. :) Keep him home as long as you are able to do so. You will never regret keeping him home. Ever. That time never comes back. I have maybe two real friends who have kept their kids home, (know people who kept them home, but those continue to homeschool for life, so different altogether), so it's not like this is the common trend. Yes, a break is nice, yes, it's nice for them to see other kids, but the time BH and No David have with Baby Z (and me!) is priceless. The other brothers don't have that and never will. Does it mean that they aren't as close, no? But their bond is much different and that is a fact.
Just my opinion, and I know not popular.
I wore jeans last week and Lance thought I was crazy. I had to do it though. So tired of shorts!
And time
Hope you have a great weekend...and sorry to hear no fall weather your way. We finally have some today and next week. I know I've been dying to wear jeans! LOL on the chicken nuggets and's the little things, right?
I know what you mean about "school". I've always believed it's better for kids to be home, and that pre"school" (at age 1 or 2-really?) is not really for the kid, but there is a lot of contrary thinking around here and it makes me doubt myself sometimes, esp with M's delayed speech. I'm with ya, Momma. Also ready for cooler weather. I'm tired of being sweaty.
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