Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bath Time: If It Walks Like a Duck,...

Quacks like a duck,
looks like a duck, 
it's a duck! 

jloupe's awesome IG photo of a duck relegated to the outdoors.

You've heard some version of that before right? You know we like our ducks around here. There was a first birthday party planned around them, and they are currently in the running for toys of which we have more: ducks or copters. 

Then there's this Douglas Adams version:

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

That makes me smile. In fact, I might just teach The Sheriff to quote that one someday, but let's get back to the ducks. I am very well aware that they should not be in the bathtub in the first place because they can get all moldy and whatnot, and we have thrown several away for that reason. But, in my defense, the kid has this special bond with them. Each has been affectionately named after a family member or friend, and he strangely remembers these after one naming ceremony. My mom has a set at her house and he named those (differently than the ones here) and remembers. I would love to be inside his head! 

That pink one is Kailey Duck, right next to her mom, Mrs. Ann Duck. And God bless the soul of "Sheriff Duck" (the one next to Kailey and part of W's nickname namesake) who is no longer with us.

The ducks currently in the tub are in desperate need of some cleaning or replacing, and while wasting valuable nap time today on the computer, I decided to Google my options. Lame, so lame.

Yet my search proved fruitful at last with the advice in the post Glue Gun The Rubber Ducky. Yep, clean your current ducks well with vinegar and whatnot or buy some more, but either way, glue gun the mess out of the holes at the bottom to avoid water getting stuck in there. Genius, just genius. Momma's got a weekend project on her hands!


Lauren said...

Those are the cutest pictures of him!! Just a boy and his ducks :)

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

That is so cute, and story you are going to love telling when he is older. I really need to clean Evie's bath toys too...

Andie said...

that is too too cute. I almost took a picture of my little fella in the bath with his ducks and cups last night to share! LOL

I didn't realize that they get super moldy- We have a bunch of them too!

Andrew's favorite duck, though, is a soft duck by sassy that quacks.

Natalie said...

Ha ha your mission is to save the duckys! :)

kc said...

So cute! And I think every kid should have bath tub ducks- it's a rite of passage!

the workaholic momma said...

ssooo smart!!! I never thought of that...with the glue gun - we've just done the foam toys and boon toys (lame, i know) but thats a great idea!! I love the picks of W with the ducks...he looks adorable:)

Anonymous said...

those are adorable pics of him!!!! you can never have too many duckies! but the fun part about the duckies are getting to squirt the water during bath time lol knowing me i'd just get new ones hehe

Nicole said...

what a great picture of the ducks and W. Love, love, love. random tidbit about kids take showers, always have. I never put them in the tub even as babies. Weird, right?