Friday, April 20, 2012

Just for Today -- Being Back

Thanks again to  Nicole  for lots of things, this post idea among them! I haven't blogged in a week, and you probably haven't seen me commenting on your posts much either. We had a friend in from Kansas ( who thanks to, The Sheriff now says "Rock Chalk, Jay Hawk, KU" whenever you pull out a camera. It's really the cutest thing ever.) Where was I? Yes, we had a friend in town, and now my computer  isn't working correctly (rightfully so) since being dropped months ago and having had to be rebooted (is that the correct word here? I think not. Software reinstalled? You get the idea right?). Perhaps I finished that sentence; perhaps I didn't. Regardless, it's time to stop this rambling and get to it already for a post that is a bit like a list, but at least once started will have some sense of order. Maybe. If we're lucky! 


Outside my window... I'm hopeful for the promised storms this afternoon. I've got a big agenda of ironing during nap time. Let the good times roll! Wait, that's the wrong one. Instead let's channel Garth, "Let the thunder roll." 

I am listening to... The Sheriff's verbal exploration via the monitor. Currently on repeat "wait Daddy's jeep. Wait Daddy's jeep." Hope you are coming home early J! Someone must know it's Friday.

Within these walls... I feel a sense of peace. There are two coffee filter toddler rainbows still hanging on the window from St. Patrick's Day. What beautiful reminders they have come to be!

Between a trip to LA for Easter, hanging out with our visitor from Kansas, and as many trips to the park as we can fit in a week before it gets too hot, it seems that we haven't been home much for any new toddler activities. But I'd say we are doing just fine! 

Within my heart walls... I think that peace mentioned above within the walls of our house is in some way connected to the peace within my heart. I've been waking up early for some prayer and down time before Wyatt wakes. I could surely wake up even earlier than I am, but baby steps here, people. Let's not get talking too crazy early. But I've been thinking a lot of Fr. Tom Allender's book God Loves an Unmade Bed: Spirituality for the Imperfect and connecting some of the messages to my own relationships, even the relationship with myself. What beauty there is in loving the love within and giving it away. 

I am certain... that prayer works, and He's listening. 

I have am wondering... whether I'll keep up this blogging bit. I haven't blogged in a week. I haven't read too many blogs this week. Sometimes I wonder if I read about the lives of the Saints (holy people not football team) or some equivalent if I'd be using my time more appropriately. I don't mean that to be insulting of course, but it's a thought that definitely is considerable right?

And I need to evaluate what I want out of blogging. Perhaps that idea needs its own post. 

I appreciate.. tiny moments and baby ducks, and if they happen to cross paths, even better. 

From the kitchen... We had lots of leftovers this week meaning little cooking time for me! Loving that, and I can't wait to share next week what I found. It's simple and will be on the rotation for sure. Let's keep our fingers crossed that I decide to blog long enough to fit it in! 

I am grateful... for the prayers of those who lift my name up without me even knowing it. They are powerful, and again, He is listening. 

I am praying for... the special intentions of my family members. 

Picture thoughts I am sharing...

Can you fit two toddlers in a Cozy Coupe? 

Evidence says yes. 

And then there's this look. I believe an Astros hat paired with a Texans t-shirt creates a look for what the sports world deems a "homer." 
I'll take it. You should here this kid say, "Root, root, root for the Astros!" 

Happy Weekend! 


Happiness Is... said...

Welcome back - you've been missed!

Nicole said...

Miss you! I like blogging b/c it helps me keep up with people I don't get to talk to very often. Esp in this world of texting and email. But it does become a chore at times, maybe not the right word. Posts aren't written as fast as I would like. Since I don't scrapbook, at the very least, I like to think of blogging as that for our family. But my point, if I could get to that limiting time reading blogs and writing blogs is always good. Like you said, there are more fruitful ways to use our time. That said, I do get inspiration from a lot of people online, including you!

DAD said...


Danielle said...

I'm glad that you're back, but I understand the need for a break too!

Allie said...

I miss you from my lack of blogging also, but I hear you on the whole blogging thing, its crazy when you take a step back what you think about, I am also still in limbo of what I want out of blogging and if I should be spending my time doing other things!?

My prayers are always with you my love, even when we arent blogging or chatting weekly I still think about you guys! I am glad we connect on facebook also so I can see cute updates on your life! I hope all is well hun, much love! Xoxo