Thursday, May 17, 2012

Anatomy of a Neighborhood Walk

We've found a new activity just in time for summer when here in Texas, it's hot. So very, very, makes-me-want-to-take-a-cold-shower-right-now-just-thinking-about-it hot. But you'll find no regrets about it here. (You will find quite a few pictures. You've been warned.)

Check out what happens when we ditch the stroller and find our way down the street. 

We find things:

Tiny things, like the flower petals blown down from trees whose names I do not know.

Interesting how they manage to pile up in the sidewalk grooves. 

As the wind blows, so do they.

Purple flowers are pretty funny after all.

If we're lucky, we find a piece of chalk hidden in the dirt, a sign that the neighborhood kids have deemed this one of the cool spots.

I shouldn't have even asked, "What should I draw?" as if I didn't know the answer to that one. We left our mark that day too with a few pink helicopters as the "W was here" signal.

And then....we run. We sing and we run and we laugh. A lot.

Sometimes we fall, but this soft patch of grass softens the blow. The laughing continues. 

When the day is said and done, we wave "bye bye" to the fountain. 

We find our way home with dirty hands and sore-from-laughter cheeks but with hearts full of smiles and gratitude.


Am I Really Grown Up? said...

I have to remind myself all the time to love the little things like flower petals on the sidewalk. Sometimes I'm so focused on the end, that the dandelions that need to be picked along the way are forgotten.

Jessie Jones said...

What a precious day! :-) Glad you got to enjoy that. I need to slow down a little bit and find flower petals on the sidewalk too!

Andie said...

as someone who would like to think she has a green thumb, I'm pretty sure those flowers on the trees are crepe myrtles. :)

This is a sweet blog post. :)

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

these moments are some of the most precious ones we share with our lil guys! look at the pure joy on his face :)

Team Wallace said...

Such a sweet face - love that he still likes his 'copters! If you need to beat the heat fly North...and West! We will be in sweatshirts through Jun in Seattle :)

Natalie said...

It sure doesn't take much to grab their attention when you are that grin!

Anonymous said...

Aww those are such great pics!!! The outdoors has endless possibilities of discovery and adventure!! Love his smile!!'