Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flaunt A Friend

I'm back to link up with Tiffany and Lindsey to Flaunt a Friend this Tuesday, and today's friend is a former coworker, wonderfully inspiring woman, and a (sort of) new blogger. Thanks again for the link-up ladies!

Meet Karen, the lovely lady over at Glances and Chances.

(I should really think of way to reword that. I feel like I'm telling you what's behind door #3.)

Anyway, I'm so grateful she started blogging again as our lives have veered in different directions for a bit and we don't see each other as often as we used to and should! If I had to sum up how wonderful she is, I'd tell you she's a lover of all things beautiful, a fashionista I seriously wish I could be like, a foodie after my own heart, and a seriously fun, witty, and realistic friend taking steps one at a time on her own life's journey. The Sheriff and I have decided to crash her rooftop pool parties this summer with hopes of hanging out and scoring one of her adult popsicles I hear will be on the menu! No such popsicles for the child of course; here's to hoping Walton will keep him entertained! Stop by and say hi, why don't ya!


kc said...

Wow! Thanks friend! There's nothing like sweet, ego-boosting compliments to get your day going! Pool time soon fo sho.

Linds said...

Thanks for participating! I am so excited to go look her up!