A dear friend made a simple comment a couple of weeks ago when The Sheriff slept in a bit how very blessed I am to be able to enjoy that quiet in the mornings. No hint of jealousy or bitterness existed in her words. They contained no lecture.
I believe they served as words from an Angel as a reminder to be grateful, to be content, with here and now. I resolved to seek contentment in my life this year, and on so many occasions I've been able to see the blessings around me and be truly thankful for them. I am grateful for this awareness.
And yes, I am grateful that our mornings are typically slow and unhurried. We drink coffee from a real cup instead of a paper one from a drive thru on our way to drop an older child off at school or perhaps W at daycare while I head to work.
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging. Whether you choose daycare for your child or need to for your family's functioning is also perfect for you. I also don't mean to sound like when it's time to get dressed and put together that there's not a toddler right there clinging to every piece of myself that I need at the moment. I simply need to remind myself how beautiful life is right now.
I am grateful that I am here to play helicopters and trains by morning, share watermelon on the back patio by afternoon, and settle into a good book (ok, singing tunes from his Thomas book counts) by the light of the setting sun.
I am grateful that I can create with our son. We can do, make, and play together. We find learning projects with which I can be hands-on, and this feeds the creativity spark always burning inside.
When he learns new words, I am most probably the one who taught them to him or at least pointed him in the right direction.
I am grateful that I can be present.
It's this contentment that I must hold and nurture, until the moment when God's grace it's so embedded within me, that no obstacle, no heartbreak, no worry or fear, can remove me from God's love.
There's definitely so much to be thankful for, in whatever situation we are all in. In the hustle and bustle of everyday, I am grateful for the "stillness" God gives in my heart in the midst of all the "noise". Thank you for a great reminder of contentment!
You are truly blessed. Being a stay at home mom can be hard but I know that i wouldn't trade it for anything. I too love that I am the one who taught Annabelle and saw all those firsts instead of some other care giver. I tyr to thank Mark for working so hard so that I can be here for my family whenever I can.
It's so refreshing to hear you appreciating your mornings. Quiet, unrushed mornings are one of the changes of not working that I am most looking forward to. It's amazing how a rushed, messy morning can negatively influence the rest of the day.
I love this - it makes staying at home sound easy! I am still so curious if I would like staying at home (well, not working I should say since I do stay home all day) ... I just don't know!
I love being the one to understand what my kids are saying...heck LZ still can't always understand Snax!
love that last line! Absolutely beautiful.
This was a beautiful post, I really enjoyed reading it. It was sweet and honest and your son is a handsome little man. I agree with all that you wrote.
Have a great weekend!!
New follower :)
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