Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So What!

I'm linking up again this week with Shannon

and throwing my hands up saying So What! if...

*my skillet for morning eggs gets washed every night and set right back on the stove again for tomorrow. Eggs every day my friends.
*I am terrible at this whole twitter thing. I might check it in the morning and respond to several people and then not check it again until the evening. I'm so not a twitter conversationalist.
*The vinegar + dawn clean your shower spray practically blinds and chokes me. I like the clean feel it gives to the shower door.
*I'm scarred from our last trip to the playscape when two big kids pushed sweet W down the slide. Kids are mean!
*I wrote down what I'd give the big "So What!" over the weekend because I'd forget by the time Wednesday came around.


Kerry said...

I really should cook more eggs, I never think to do them for breakfast!
I don't do Twitter, I am struggling with time as it is lol

Mrs. Mama said...

i need to do this link up sometimes. i am so with you on the twitter thing though... it really bores me most of the time.

Natalie said...

I know I forget to get on Twitter sometimes after I tweeted someone. I wish Nolan ate eggs, but he won't touch them! Those mean boys...W will get him when he gets older!

Anonymous said...

I'm so much more into twitter than Facebook. I can't get Facebook at all. I enjoy posted articles on twitter and encouragements. And I'm sad about W getting pushed too!! Little A was pushed around by two brothers at the playground a couple weeks ago and bullied him too. The parent didn't do anything! Some kids are mean!!!

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Mmmm. Eggs.

I go through phases with twitter. Sometimes I am like YEAH twitter! Othertimes I am like, meh. twitter.

Alisha said...

I am now traumatized by your recounting of W being pushed down a slide! That makes me so sad! I have no tolerance for mean kids.