Monday, July 30, 2012

When Life Hands You Time Indoors...

You get a glue stick. It's been rainy, and then hot, and then, someone's gotten sick a couple of weeks apart leaving us with plenty of time inside.

One boy, one glue stick, a stack of old Parenting magazines, a few sheets of construction paper, and a momma willing to cut out "needed" pictures later, we've got a kid asking for glue every free moment.

He's a boy obsessed, and yes, this phase shall too pass, but alas the art of the collage is timeless after all. 


Britt said...

I remember doing this as a kid...although it was more like when I was 11 and with tons of cutouts of BSB, N'SYNC, and JTT :)

Natalie said...

This is a great idea! I'm sure I would also end up with a collage on my couch or wall LOL!

Kat said...

these are so cute! what a good indoor idea

Megan said...

This is such a neat idea!!!! He looks like he loved it!!

Megan said...

This is such a neat idea!!!! He looks like he loved it!!

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

I LOVED making collages! He's so cute with that glue stick! It looks like he is saying CHEERS!

Erin said...

Lately I keep catching myself saying "he's such a boy!" haha perhaps it's my way to rationalize his wild side :) love the collage W made!

Kerry said...

As long as he doesn't start wall papering the walls lol, it looks like fun. I used to do this with my kids, even the supermarket catalogues are great for this project!