Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Outtakes

Thanks again to  Nicole  for lots of things (like cookies and yummy recipes and your family's friendship!), this post idea among them!


Outside my window... I'd grab the monitor and head outside for some morning blogging during one of the best parts of our too hot days, but then there's that pesky stay inside during dawn and dusk warning to avoid a potential run-in with West Nile. I'm not taking my chances, mosquitos! 

I am listening to... silence. The morning. Occasionally there is a train whistle or sound from a departing airplane. I'm thankful The Sheriff is still asleep. Yesterday morning not so much, and I'm doing my best to multi-task my way through the Internet until he wakes. The question is, "Should I pause to make some tea or power through?"

Within these walls... I'm so ready for a change of seasons. I feel like I keep going back to this idea, but so much of a daily rhythm can revolve around what Mother Nature decides to do outdoors: what comes out of the kitchen, when it's cool/hot enough to go outside, what activities we plan for the weekends, what we'll wear. These can be pretty trivial, but when you are ready, you're ready! And this momma wants chili, and walks that don't have to take place before 9:00 (with the mosquitos!) or after 6:30, and to put my pumpkins out, and football. Yes, football! At least I can get one of those going!

Within my heart walls... I haven't been as reflective the past few months because I've been taking care of the physical me and all that comes with the first trimester. I've been sleeping in, taking naps when W does, and yet remained ridiculously tired still in the evenings. Hopefully I can find a new routine as energy returns. But I feel blessed, just so very blessed, and I pray that I don't take one second of that for granted. 

I am certain... that prayer works, and He's listening. I'm hoping the right words and timing come to share my reasons why I know this to be true. 

I have am wondering... if there's a week where I could do two blog posts and a day, one being a link-up and one being my own. So many fun link-ups out there but I can't manage to get to them all!

From my creative corner: I've got a Texans wreath in the near future (as in all supplies are purchased and sitting out on the table), and the words "fall crafts" are written in my planner to check in with Pinterest and see what I want to make.

I appreciate.. chance meetings with old friends and the opportunities to make new ones. Oh, and W still sleeping. 

From the kitchen... Is it too early for pumpkin bread? I told myself I'd wait until temperatures dropped into the 80s. I'm loving all things chicken salad (strange since I'm not so much a fan of chicken at the moment), so  I'm making this cranberry chicken salad I've mentioned here before. I also plan on making  this hearty soup. I saw a friend this week who brought it over for our very first playdate with the boys, and despite it being 90 degrees out and more gazpacho than hot soup weather, the baby wants it.

In other news, the baby also cannot get enough hummus. 

I am grateful... for the safety of my family in LA when Isaac passed (and lingered!).

On my nightstand (and sometimes online): I'm re-reading Anna Karenina and have had to make myself put it down to get some sleep. I love the classics and get so torn between re-reading everything that's on my bookshelf or loading up the Kindle with new reads.

Online I've checked out this article about raising boys and this one about our very short season of being a mother at home with our children. Both were recommendations by Erin, and they spoke to my heart.

The Sheriff: busted out his ABCs at dinner the other night all the way to "won't you sing with me?" We were so proud as was he. His favorite part seems to be the end, and the grin he gives at the finale is the best!
He's also begun saying the "s" sound which comes out more like "esss" but I think it's the cutest thing. It's amazing how his speaking has taken off. 

I am praying for... my grandparents. 

Picture thoughts I am sharing...

What? Your child doesn't sit on the counter eating frozen peas while you prep dinner?

Couldn't resist.

Happy Weekend! 


Unknown said...

I LOVE this post!

Kerry said...

This sure is a great post Jenn!!! What a neat idea for a post and I just love your honesty and the glimpse into your life. Have a great week with your gorgeous little man :)

grace martin said...

My daughter hangs out in the sink while I cook dinner haha

Nicole said...

I was reading the other day that a great way to bring rhythm (did I spell that right on the first try?!!!!) to your day is to pray the liturgy of the hours. Now, I fully admit, I'm not there, not even close, but I have hopes to be there someday. Anyway, just a thought to share. I have been trying to pray the Angelus and a healing prayer at lunch. And am realizing that my day could be better if I just came right home after dropping kids off at school and leaving the gym until later. or Even before kids wake up.

Miss you!