Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easy DIY Birthday Party Thank-You Notes

By no means did I come up with this idea myself. In fact, see pin:

I did, however, enjoy making them, and seeing how The Sheriff is quite the artist, I plan on keeping his creations around to cut up for cards in the future. 

Although we requested no presents on his birthday invitation, somehow everyone managed to spoil him with something, so thank-you notes were in order.

Step 1: CREATE

The Sheriff whipped up these puppies with a little paint and a few cars and trucks. (The next batch is foam shapes I believe. They didn't work so well.) 

Step 2: CUT

Cut the drawings/paintings to fit just over half of a piece of cardstock cut to the size of whatever envelopes you plan to use. We had leftover envelopes from birth announcements and Christmas cards on hand, so I used those.


Glue the pieces of artwork to your cardstock and get to writing.  I wrote "Thank You" with a Sharpie at the top of the right side and wrote a few words of thanks underneath.

I also think pictures make cute thank-yous as well, especially for family. Hopefully all enjoyed opening their own Sheriff "originals!" 


Sugar Mommy said...

You are so good at this stuff!

Elizabeth said...

What a cute idea! Adorable!

Celeste @ The Motherhood Chronicles said...

This is an adorable idea! Thanks for sharing! I'm definetly pinning this for future reference!

Unknown said...

Again you rock! These are VERY cute and I'm sure something I will never be talented enough to manage.

Unknown said...

This is awesome!

Meg O. said...

I love this idea!! I am totally doing this when K is old enough!

Nicole said...

These are great. I used to trace the boys hands when they were young and write a note.

Andie said...

I love this idea! so cute!!! I am pinning it for future reference.

oh, and it is also nice to notice that I am not the only one who does thank you cards for birthday parties!

Happiness Is... said...

Darling! And, I insist on thank you notes for EVERYTHING and love the personal touch of these.

Angie said...

Cute!! Love this idea!!