Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday Fun on Saturday Night

Thanks again to  My Life in the Men's Room for this blog idea!This week has been significantly better than the last.


I hope God takes care of... each and every member of my family this week.

Outside my window...It's dark and cool and summoning me to go to bed although it's only 8:30 and there is still a Shrimp in need. 

I am listening to...the LSU/McNeese game on Cowboy's computer. Come on Tigers. Be impressive. Shrimp is fussing over the monitor. Geaux to sleep kiddo.  Sweet dreams.

I am clash of pajamas. I shall call it Mismatched Chic. The remainder of my daytime outfit (LSU t-shirt) with red and white (rather Christmas-like) jammie pants. Sexy. 

I am loving...the Fall weather we are having. You gotta love when you can take your boy outside on more than one occasion during the day.

I appreciate...  the Internet research of Cowboy. We will figure out this parenting thing yet.

From the kitchen...I am busy looking up soy/dairy free recipes. We also had salmon wrapped in bacon and asparagus wrapped in bacon Thursday night. Cowboy was sad there was no bacon wrapped in bacon.

I am proud... that I've read two books in the last two weeks. 

One of my favorite things...Purple Sweet Potato Chips from HEB. Well, they aren't HEB brand, but they don't contain any Shrimp Offenders and are yummy. I think I just love all things sweet potato.

I am grateful...that Shrimp is gaining weight. 

I am thinking about...what I will cook tomorrow that I can eat on all week. I used to hate leftovers, but now they are a girl's best friend.

What I dreamed this week ...  being back in college. I was on the swim team and traveling lots. Had a crush on this baseball player and was mad that my swim team schedule was interfering with my social life. I didn't even want to be on the swim team. I just can't say no. (Sorry about the crush Cowboy)

I am praying...for my sweet family.

Shrimp... is such a smiler! Too bad my camera doesn't click fast enough to catch his grins. What, did you say birthday present

What I realized... I need to give myself more credit. And permission. 

Planning for the weekend...It's the freakin' weekend...

A picture thought I am sharing...

I'd say I can be "rustic yet refined..."

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