Monday, August 8, 2011

You Gotta See This!

Ok, that title is a little hyperbole, but despite the fact that I've already got one post out today, I'm here to tell you two things:

A) You Alway Remember Your First....Guest Post that is! I'm super excited to be posting over at Katie's blog today, and you should definitely check it out. There's cheese. And not the dorky kind I often bring you way. Real cheese. You know you want it!

B) It's not just another Monday, but Savanah's fun with our phones Monday! So, of course, you get some cute pics of my kiddo today (as best as my OLD iPhone can grab), and then you can link up your little cute self this morning/afternoon/evening. Get on it!

I'm going to make this quick. There's this little moment called nap time, and while I want to blog and read for its duration, I need to blow dry my hair and clean up around mi casa.

We do lots of playing around here. Sometimes in a grocery cart. What aisle am I on anyway?

 Often times in a wagon outside

You talkin' to me? 

 More playing outside. This time cue bubbles.

 Ahhh! Who is that? She promised us cute kiddo pics. It's just me...pretending I'm a professional soccer player.

And nothing says summer like yummy adult treats and drinking straight from the hosepipe! (That's a water hose for all those not from South LA!)

 Savanah, this linkup makes me smile. I love looking back to see what we've been up to! Go check it all out!


Savanah said...

Thanks so much for linking up with us today Jenn!

I just love seeing all the pics of The Sheriff :) His little curls are so cute!

E @ Life on a Quilt said...

Yes, please! To the beer and the "hosepipe!"

:) Following you back!

Erin said...

What a little stud muffin! Looks like y'all know how to have some fun. Bubbles are always my favorite activity with the little ones!

Glad you linked up with us this week!

Lauren said...

What a cutie!! I love the curls :) I'm just now getting around to following since the blogger meetup - I know, it's terrible! But I'm having lots of fun reading and catching up!