Monday, September 19, 2011

Fun With Our Phones Monday

I'm linking back up with Savanah and Erin today. It's been a while, so hopefully there is something good in the old iPhone, and yes, it's old. Hey Apple, can we get the new phones out soon? No I'm not getting the new one; that's a Cowboy privilege, BUT I get his old phone which is crazy better than mine!

(And before I forget: don't fret; your "Recipe A Day" isn't forgotten. I will finish my 7 days, but I just haven't linked up with these lovely ladies in a while and wanted to get back to it.)

(There are also lots of pics of the kiddo. I'm just warning you now.) And if you want to play, grab the pics in your phone, tell us about them, and then link up!

I spend lots of time chasing and climbing after The Sheriff. This time? Chic-fil-a for free breakfast date and playtime.

Check out my mad chalk skills. Oh yea, and the cute kid in the middle showing off that he found the star.

You gotta love when dinner comes from these two!

And then I did it--hello Chic-fil-a drive-thru. If you haven't had one of their cookies and cream milkshakes, run there. Now. And yes, run don't drive. You'll need to burn off the calories.

Thanks iPhone for helping me capture an idea in a doc. office magazine!

And here he is again. Don't mind the grass which hasn't seen rain (outside of this weekend actually) in months! He loves chasing balls around and this Momma is one to help him wear himself out for a good night's rest.

He has no clue how hot it is (was) outside! (And thanks again Nanny, for his swing. He loves it more than ever these days.)

Speaking of swings....there's me. Or my shadow (pardon the bird legs!). Lately The Sheriff thinks it's hysterical for me to swing in the big kid swing next to the toddler one.

This is the face I get when I push him then ask if he wants Momma to swing "right there" (pointing to the other swing). 

And finally, the pic quality isn't great, but I love this one because it reminds me of how he's growing up and is so proud of each accomplishment. I just want to squeeze him! (And I do. Not hard. Promise. Just enough so that he knows he's loved.)


Meg O. said...

I love my crock pot!!!

Natalie said...

Yes thank goodness for the crock pot! It's getting to be that time of year again :) Love the pic of little boy on the swing. He looks like he just loves it! And those shakes are so yummy!

Liz Taylor said...

Cute pics!!! Wish we had the cookies and cream milkshake here - we have pecan at Chick Fil A :/

Test said...

He is adorable!! Don't worry, our grass looks like that too. Our backyard has no grass and HUGE cracks running through it. This drought is craziness.

Allie said...

LOVE all the pics and NOW I want a freaking milk shake!! YUMMMMMM!

Phoebe said...

Your little boy is adorable! My little ones are swing-obsessed too. Might be using that play mat idea!

Erin said...

I just love crock pot dinners! And? I haven't ever tried a chik-fil-a milkshake, except for the peppermint one at Christmas! Now you've got me thinking about it!

Thanks for linking up with us!

Nicole said...

Just had the cookies and cream today! My favorite is still the banana pudding.

Savanah said...

We use our crockpot at least once a week. It's so nice to have it done when you get home :)

Thanks for playing along!!