Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hodge Podge

It's Wednesday afternoon and the hubs just emailed that soccer is on (Portugal vs. Spain), so instead of watching SYTYCD and catching up, I'll go for soccer instead and try to jet out a post for tomorrow since I've got one for today after a couple of days' rest from the blogging world. I can always catch up on who Mary Murphy is putting on the hot tamale train, so hearing catchy phrases such as "the equalizer" it will be.

I've got a few posts in my head, well ideas, but they probably won't come together as full posts, so instead, let's make a list of nuggets I've learned since last week:

1. Given a choice while running errands toddler free, I will choose to belt out "Bobby McGee" while driving over Pearl Jam's "Better Man." I'm sorry Mr. Vedder, but my inner Janis sounds much better than my inner Eddie.

2.  Spray paint was inspired by the devil himself; I'm quite sure of it.

3. Spray paint will eat styrofoam.

4. Spray painting in 100 degree heat results in the paint cracking into webs as soon as it hits the surface.

5. One can buy spray paint freely at Walmart but not at Hobby Lobby. Do the kids doing whatever illegal activities they are doing with spray paint really consider going to the HobLob on a Friday night to load up instead of Wally World?

6. Textured spray paint will roll off of a non-wood surface.

7. When the husband says, "Why don't you just buy the frames you want instead of spraying something to create the ones you want?" I quietly think to myself that he might just be right, but then again, Pinterest might be out of followers if we think like that right?

8. My husband loves Hamburger Helper. A lot. And after 9 years I didn't realize it was so much or I would have made him some more often. And to think, he still keeps me around!

9. I am fully capable of walking in Michaels and walking out with the one item I went in to grab and nothing more.

10. There are more patriotic projects/crafts I want to do than can ever fit in our house. Look out, friends and family; these might be your Christmas presents!

11. I'm terrible at preparing for play dates/activities that involve packing a lunch. I do it last minute with an excited toddler halfway up my leg and I leave the biggest mess to tackle at nap time.

12. And although a little someone turns 2 on Saturday and is looking so much like a little boy, his face still looks like this when he sleeps:

Happy Thursday!


Mrs. Mama said...

loved reading this. and little man DOES look exactly like his newborn picture!

Kat said...

our walmart totally check ids for spray paint, glue, etc. I used to think it was silly but now I'm glad.

ps- he is so stinkin' adorable! can't believe he's going to be 2!

Nicole said...

I love this picture. So peaceful, which is how I think of him. Spray paint is also really bad for the environment so you have another excuse to ditch any of those projects! I have yet to do one patriotic project. Would like to get the canvas flag done TODAY. I want the glitter letters too. And that garland you sent. Maybe after the trip we can do the garland. We need a blog post to see what you've done!

Danielle said...

Adorable picture. Sometimes the only time I still see "baby" in Noah's face is when he's sleeping. It's sad and wonderful at the same time!

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

i've had a pinterest account for over a year now...and still no pins. i'm not crafty. at all.

if i was a paint huffer, i'd definitely go to wally world before hob lob. definitely.

such a darling picture. man, they grow up FAST.

Happiness Is... said...

7 made me laugh

Do you know I have never had Hamburger Helper?

And he looks JUST like his newborn picture - whoa!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure #9 is a factual statement. :)

Natalie said...

Oh you know how I feel about spray paint---it has laughed in my face recently! Oh my he seriously turns 2 this Saturday????? WHAT?????

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...


1)Love the hobby lobby/wally world observation.

2)Also, we are huge hamburger helper fans here and not the homemade kind, the boxed kind. We do use turkey instead of beef occasionally though.

3) Eddie vs Janis -- that is a hard one. Now I want to hear Bobby McGee.

4) that picture is adorable!

Anonymous said...

ha. we both know i have no green thumb and i can't craft to save my life. so you experimenting on spray paint makes you a more decent person than i am haha so don't sweat- trial and error. we live and learn. little man is a cutie! whether little or 2! can't believe he's gonna be the big 2!!!!

Erin said...

Until I saw a tweet last night I didn't even realize SYTYCD had started! Mary and Nigiel would be so disappointed in me. I'll be jumping on the hot tamale train ASAP.

Sounds like you had a spray paint disaster! Also, B asks me all the time why I try to make this stuff instead of buy it. Silly men, don't the understand pinterest at all?!

Hamburger helper, funny you mention that. It was our dinner of choice Tuesday night. Brandon has loved that stuff since I met him. I always wondered why mom made that stuff. Um, hello, cheap, easy, kids love it, husband loves it. Wins all around :)

Last but not least, how in the world is W's 2nd birthday already he?! Have any special plans? Did I miss that post? My bad if I did. And I love that even though they look like boys now, even when they sleep there is still that semblance of our newborns. J is the same way. Happy Thursday mama!!

Katie @ Chronicles of KT said...

1. I love! SYTYCD!!!! I think this season is going to be a really really good one, I really think the dancers they chose are amazing!
2. I love hamburger helper too!
3. It really is crazy how fast they grow! I think landon has the same look a when he was a newborn when he sleeps too :)

Kerry said...

Hehehe #7 is funny but half the fun is making things, right?
I bet you can't believe your son will be turning 2 so soon!!
Happy Friday to you (I'm sure it's nearly Friday where you are...)