Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Blame Tim McGraw

Yes, I do. I blame Tim McGraw and his little "live like you were dying" message.

It started innocently with a trip to Target for the remaining items needed for our mini vacation this past weekend. We brought Harold, and if you aren't acquainted, he's the watchful hovering eye over the the island of Sodor, home to Thomas and his tank engine friends.  He's a helicopter, and at that, W's favorite helicopter.

That being said, he travels with us quite often on shopping cart ventures, and this particular day was no different. Long story short, he didn't make it home. We were both distracted while unloading the cart into the car and getting The Sheriff buckled in just right, and he didn't make it. I realized this the minute I walked into the door.

(We pause this story to alert you to the upcoming Rookie Mom Mistake!)

Stupidly, so very stupidly, I ask W, "Did we leave Harold in the cart?" And oh the tears started which in turn broke my heard which in turn led to a panicked train of thought. Should we go get him? Would the cart still be in the return a cart section? Should I try to find another one? What to do?
And I knew there was not one at Target where I originally found this random heli as we passed through the Thomas section on the trip itself.

In the meantime, I distracted The Sheriff but I could not let it go. I let him down. Technically it was my fault. He doesn't understand the responsibility of looking after one's things. It's a lesson he will one day have to learn. Today was not that day.

Thanks to this Tim McGraw song I heard on my way to an appointment that evening, I thought that if I died tomorrow, I would want to go having W know that I went to hell and back trying to find that damn helicopter. I would want him to know that there will be days of loss in his lifetime. He will lose toys. He will lose soccer games. He will lose his cool.
And he will lose friends and family members.

And there will time for feeling the heartbreak at whatever level that comes with loss. If I can protect him from this particular one, from asking about Harold when he wakes up or sometimes to hold him to fall asleep and having to hear that we don't have him, I will. And I did.

Some of you will laugh at me. You'll think, such a first-timer. Just wait until she has another one. When I was little, my parents would have never. I would have told the kid to get over it. Wow, she's spoiling him.

Heck, some of my own family members will surely call me out for doing this wrong somehow, but when I found Harold (after looking online earlier that evening) at Walmart on my way home, I sped (just a little) to get home in time to hand him over and kiss W goodnight. And I knew that it was $6.99 well spent.

"Harold's back!" he said, and he still says it. You see, he did learn (or start to) that we have to take care of things. We talked about leaving it there. But he also knows that he's got a Momma that loves him enough to fix it when she can. There'll be times when I have to let him go and let him grow. He'll make mistakes, and he'll confront life in ways that I can't fix. He's not there yet, my friends, not there yet.

And in the meantime, Harold's back!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

We took a mini vacation.

I ended up on a longhorn.

What the heck, I know.
More on our trip to come!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


A dear friend made a simple comment a couple of weeks ago when The Sheriff slept in a bit how very blessed I am to be able to enjoy that quiet in the mornings. No hint of jealousy or bitterness existed in her words. They contained no lecture.

I believe they served as words from an Angel as a reminder to be grateful, to be content, with here and now. I resolved to seek contentment in my life this year, and on so many occasions I've been able to see the blessings around me and be truly thankful for them. I am grateful for this awareness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Come Monday, It'll Be All Right

Thanks again to  Nicole  for lots of things, this post idea among them!

TODAY: (Today was Monday morning, then Monday afternoon. Today became Tuesday night. Today might be your Wednesday. Regardless, may today be all that you need it to be!) 

Outside my window... dusk, just dusk. Sometimes I think this time of the evening might be my favorite. Then I slap away a Texas sized mosquito from my leg. Then my face. That one was probably originally from LA and sensed blood from the homeland. And then one might fly around my glass of wine. Then I'm pissed. 

I am wondering... why toddlers seem to throw a kink in your thoughts and plans just when you thought you had it all figured out and have come to decisions. W had a rough stint at the Little Gym for a while and wasn't enjoying it. I decided we'd take some time off, probably the entire year. The past month, however, the kid has seriously grown in confidence and it shows in his motor skills, interactions with the other kids, and even in taking his learning outside of the gym and back home I know I'm his momma and I'm supposed to say these kind words. I'm not so certain now of taking such a long break. Maybe we'll just put it on hold this summer.

I am wishing... that, speaking of LG, that they would offer a month to month rate instead of having to sign up for the entire year. 

I am listening to... the crooning Phillip Phillips duet with the silly sounds of a toddler not quite ready to rest his weary head coming from his crib. 

I have whimsical plans about... Olympics crafts and decorating! If you follow me on Pinterest, you are on to me. 

I am loving... Splash pads! Seriously, where were these parks when we were kids. We had a hose-pipe and a sprinkler most days. But I'm not so sure about parental etiquette there. So what do you wear? A swimsuit? Most likely if I'm going with our child, I will get wet. But I don't want to be all prancing around out there. Maybe a suit and coverup? And I don't prance by the way. At least not in public. 

I appreciate.. that moment when a good idea pops into your head and you are actually in a position to write it down. I get some of my best ideas driving or before I fall asleep, but they often don't come to fruition because I don't get them on paper. 

From the kitchen... I've been going through my Pinterest boards hoping to make them more user-friendly, user being me of course. I am deleting items (especially from the FOODie board) that I know I won't make any time soon and moving other items to more specific boards. I am hoping this will help in my weekly menu planning 

I am grateful... for answered prayers for friends of mine. God is good, my friends! Between healing and pregnancy and relationships in repair, His blessings are shining down. 

I am praying for... friends in the early stages of pregnancy. May your bellies grow on their own without all of that morning sickness to help it out! May God protect your bodies and bodies of your sweet babies as they grow. 

Books, books, and more books... I just finished Untold Story by Monica Ali. It was interesting and not what I expected. You've got a fictional Princess Diana whose "death" leaves her searching for the possibility of reinventing oneself. If you want to borrow for the Kindle, let me know. I've got several samples on my Kindle right now but haven't jumped at purchasing any. I did purchase Praying the Scriptures for Your Children courtesy of Ashley's recommendation and am excited to start reading it during my morning quiet time. 

Sheriff... is a sponge...a legitimate human sponge.

Case in point:
(Scene: Master bathroom 6:45 pm)
Husband: What do we have here? (Referencing the free razor that arrived in the mail earlier this week courtesy of Gillette)
Me: A free razor.
Husband: something about the number of blades and seemingly chrome covered appearance. Those aren't his exact word, people, but I'm close.
Me: Yea, my razor has 5 blades too. I got it for free as well and I think it's a man's razor.

W: Man's razor.

This kid is too funny. Now if you guys can give me something besides "shit" to say when I drop something! 

I am attempting to live the Gospel by... being grateful for opportunity, for growth, for being loved the way God loves us. 

A picture thought I am sharing...

We take our beam walking seriously.

But not our dancing. Moves like Jagger? Nope.
He stole these from
his friend Grace. 
Happy Wednesday y'all! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Taking the Boy Out Of The Bayou

Way back when, we nicknamed W our Cajun Shrimp. It was cute and fitting and "bayou" enough to keep us grounded in our LA roots. But really, at what point in the future do you want your boy to be called a shrimp? None right, so the little guy found himself with a new name. He found himself to be The Sheriff.

So we've taken this boy out of the bayou and into the...well, the hard streets of the suburbs. But, the adage holds true: you can take the boy out of the bayou, but you can't take the bayou out of the boy. Although the kid says, "on" like he's straight out of The Bible Belt, we've got a crawfish lover to prove it. There are loads of pictures to come and I should have collaged them; I know.

 We attempted to sneak in our first of the season during W's nap but someone woke up interested.

Someone enjoyed a few, only to be interrupted by pointing out the aviation noises above. 

Cajuns...doing the Cajun thing.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Anatomy of a Neighborhood Walk

We've found a new activity just in time for summer when here in Texas, it's hot. So very, very, makes-me-want-to-take-a-cold-shower-right-now-just-thinking-about-it hot. But you'll find no regrets about it here. (You will find quite a few pictures. You've been warned.)

Check out what happens when we ditch the stroller and find our way down the street. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saying So What with Shannon

I'm pretty excited for my first So What! Wednesday over here.

Thanks again Shannon for letting me say SO WHAT! if...

*this week's blog posts are full of link-ups and picture heavy recaps.
*I've been entirely unproductive during naps so far this week.
*I've been commenting on Shannon's IGs and blog for a while now and just "formally" told her who I was.
*I bought a super cool airplane toy that was missing some parts at the consignment shop to go home and find the full version on ebay for only a few dollars more AND I'm considering buying the full version off ebay anyway.
*I didn't get computer time last night since we are a "man down" technology wise over here and I don't care a bit that I missed anything.
*I don't necessarily care to be one of those super clean people (who I really think are awesome!)
who never have drying dishes in a rack or a few that didn't fit in the dishwasher piled in the sink when they go to bed.
*I really missed watching The Biggest Loser as part of my Tuesday TV.
*I'm totally off my game with W's birthday party. I have no idea if we'll even have a party. Yep, it's about a month away.

Stop by, play, and link up!
Thanks again Shannon!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flaunt A Friend

I'm back to link up with Tiffany and Lindsey to Flaunt a Friend this Tuesday, and today's friend is a former coworker, wonderfully inspiring woman, and a (sort of) new blogger. Thanks again for the link-up ladies!

Meet Karen, the lovely lady over at Glances and Chances.

(I should really think of way to reword that. I feel like I'm telling you what's behind door #3.)

Anyway, I'm so grateful she started blogging again as our lives have veered in different directions for a bit and we don't see each other as often as we used to and should! If I had to sum up how wonderful she is, I'd tell you she's a lover of all things beautiful, a fashionista I seriously wish I could be like, a foodie after my own heart, and a seriously fun, witty, and realistic friend taking steps one at a time on her own life's journey. The Sheriff and I have decided to crash her rooftop pool parties this summer with hopes of hanging out and scoring one of her adult popsicles I hear will be on the menu! No such popsicles for the child of course; here's to hoping Walton will keep him entertained! Stop by and say hi, why don't ya!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Confession

I'm pretty sure there is a link-up day for confessing things but I'm not at the point of trying to find it, so I'm going for it solo and confessing that:

*My email inbox is so cluttered, my friends, so, so cluttered. I can't respond back to all of your sweet comments. And I've even emailed some of you, and you so kindly wrote back and I read it and haven't responded. I've got to just go in and delete. It's time. I've got to move forward. So forgive me and stay in touch and don't think I'm a terrible friend. I just need to delete so I can catch up and move forward to today and go from here. I promise I'll be better.

*I've also been terrible about commenting on your blogs. I might just pull the "Mark all as read' move on Google Reader and start over.

And there you have it, my post for today. The little guy is awake, so nap time holds more email deleting, blog reading, hopefully a blog post for tomorrow, and oh yea, the ironing.

Hope your day is full of shenanigans and giggles!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Who you are for me:

Inspires me to be the mom I am and want to be for him:

Thank you, and Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to all women out there giving your time as "mom" in fashions both traditional and not, in ways you know and ways you'll never see.  

*Be sure to stop by Natalie's blog today to wish her an early Happy Mother's Day and find out how we'll be spending at least one evening this summer. And yes, Mom, you are invited!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The 45 Minute Mark: Thoughts on Sunday Mass

We arrived just on time this past Sunday for our normal Mass time and decided, well I decided, that it would be a cry room day. I just wasn't ready to leave Church in a mood less than wonderful if W wasn't feeling the be semi-still for at least and hour routine. We walked in to an empty cry room which was odd in itself but I thought, well this could be nice.

We found ourselves settled in as the procession began, and The Sheriff climbed up onto one of the chairs. He sat for a second but wasn't content. As I helped him up to look through the glass, he pointed that tiny finger and said "in," "in urch." Cowboy looked my way, and we both laughed as we realized that he did not think by being in the cry room that we were attending Mass and indeed, in church. Who was I to stop the Lord's calling of a little one into his Presence right? So in we went into the main part of the church.

We squeezed in beside a woman who didn't want to lose her end spot on the pew. Before you judge her (because yes I did in my mind the entire beginning of Mass! Shame on me!), the first time Cowboy had to get up with W she not only said, "no problem" as he made his exit but kindly asked if we'd rather sit on the end when he returned. It wasn't in an annoyed manner either. She was just one kind soul looking out for the sanity of a couple of young parents I think, and W did us proud when he impressed all of the ladies around us by exchanging "Peace" at the appropriate time. Our distractions were forgiven.

To be fair, he wasn't too "bad." Granted, he didn't sit on our laps listening attentively or allow us to hold him when it was time to stand. He played with a small page of Thomas stickers, the old college IDs I keep in a small wallet that also houses all of those store cards to get discounts or whatnot. He also flipped though his Bible a couple of times all the while occasionally looking up to check out what was going on. But for about 45 minutes, he was quiet and content.

At 45 minutes, though, all bets are off, and it's unfortunate that the most prayerful aspect of the Catholic Mass often begins about this point in our church. So one of us gets up with W a few times and we always manage to somehow make it through. I think that's what matter--making it through and doing it again next week.

Jacob and I have differing views on toys/books for Mass, and I'm coming around to see it more his way -- don't bring them! But for now we usually bring one book and maybe some stickers along with our snacks and whatever else I might dig out of my purse in desperation. This has proved much better than bringing a small bag for W which he thinks holds infinite amounts of toys and wants to search through and dump it out the entire time. Problem solved.

I also want him to associate going to church with that feeling of contentment, and if at this moment in his childhood he needs something to occupy his attention in a huge room full of hundreds of people where he isn't totally sure what to focus on even with guidance, then I say ok. Church shouldn't be an hour plus of us trying to contain him and shush him and lose our own patience trying to get him to sit or stand. Why would he want to do that once a week?
There will be a time for that. He will understand one day.

Speaking of "one day," I also thought before walking in Mass that we'd stop by the nursery after and pick up a registration form. It's free after all. I've just got to fill out the paperwork. I thought maybe that's the best place for him to be and we can "teach" him when he's a bit older and understands more of how he should behave. I am by no means saying that keeping your child with you or sending him/her to the nursery is better.  After Mass my heart was peaceful at the thought of having him with us in church, no matter what effort it took. He's just shy of 2 but is at the age where he's taking so much in and learning acceptable behaviors. He won't get it right every time, but he can start figuring it out.

For me and for our family, I feel called to keep The Sheriff with us at this time in our lives. That may change. Perhaps even next Sunday! Totally kidding.

Writing this post will help me to remember at that 45 minute mark, the innocent face of a child wanting to go "in" Church and be just where God calls him:  into His Holy Presence. And it's our responsibility and blessing to help him get there each week. I also glanced back at Allie's post full of excellent tips on children in church. I'm looking forward, now that W is a bit older than when I originally read it, to making some daily prayer time which will help him carry the meanings he does start to find at Mass into his life.

And if we're all lucky (and well-behaved) there will be many rides in the Jeep "parked" outside the church in the play area.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two on Tuesday

I'm keeping it short and sweet this Tuesday, and in case you are nauseated with The Sheriff pics and adoration around these parts, today I uncover two Sheriff facts that given the right day can annoy the grits out of us. We're equal opportunity here, so I give you one from each of his loving parents.

From Daddy: Whether it be in frustration or exertion or simple vocal exploration, W has taken to panting. I actually think it's pretty funny, but Cowboy finds himself asking, "Why the heck is he panting while opening that Ziploc bag?" Or "Does he really need to make that noise climbing into his high chair?"

From Momma: When moving on to another toy/activity, W must, and I mean must, give me whatever is in his hand with the words, "hold, hold." He won't put it on the floor. He won't put it back from where it came. I must become the proud of owner of, let's say, a dripping wand of bubble solution. Um, thanks W.

Seriously, we realize you may do this for some time or maybe stop tomorrow, but it makes you who you are, Handsome, and we love every bit of that little boy with all our hearts! But with the "hold, hold"-ing of the bubble wands already!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fun With Our Phones

It's been a while since I've linked up with Ashlee and Savanah, so here goes.

 You'll be totally shocked to see that my best iPhone pics of late are those of The Sheriff, I know, but come on, you really don't want to see pictures of a Christmas gift for W I found in the clearance section of Walmart and sent to Cowboy for him to give the go-ahead. But hey, look at me shopping waaayyy in advance.

Back to the story. Or rather the pics.

I call this one "faces of summer" and want to start a hashtag project via IG. Anyone in? Come on, we can play all summer long!

And this one? Faces of garbage day. 

How handsome are these two?! We had such a great play date with our friend Liam. A wagon ride was the order of the day for these two gentlemen. 

I cannot get enough of this face. This is what happens when I sing Laurie Berkner's "I'm gonna catch you. You better run." And it's quickly becoming my favorite song. Gosh, that kid is a ball of happiness. 

That looks like Spring for us, and as summer temps creep closer and closer, I have no idea how we'll survive without our multiple trips outside each day. Perhaps we'll still do but with less clothing. Guess I need to start working on my tan and my fitness! 

Happy Monday y'all! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

SAHMs -- Are You Bored?

I often wonder how other SAHMs pass the days. A sweet friend, who also stays home with a daughter W's age, asked the other day if I ever get bored and then feel guilty for feeling that way. Yes and yes.
There are some days all I want to do is take care of the household things I want and need to do all morning. There are some days I want to take care of errands instead of knowing the value of staying home and and playing in jambes all morning. There are some days I feel I just cannot draw another helicopter in chalk on the driveway. There are some days we've run the gamut of toys and I'm all out ideas and don't feel like being all Pinteresting in my parenting. You get it right? You have those days too right? Because I refuse to believe my friend and I stand alone.

But these days aren't that often, and we do have lots of fun in the meantime.
W,the  little human sponge Sheriff that he is, and I have found some activities that we love for this age/stage:

1. Go for a walk, minus the stroller. Just me, the toddler, and a whole wide world out there. There is an anatomy of a neighborhood walk post in the making.

2. Find a body of water. Be it a community splash pad, your own backyard pool, a neighborhood lake or pond, maybe just a fountain. Magic happens around a bit of splashing or even carefree observing. 

3. Run errands. What? Did she just say that? Yep. The errands themselves not so much, but car rides have turned into adventures for locating cement trucks, dump trucks, buses, ambulances, firetrucks, rollers, big rigs, diggers, crankies (also known as cranes), and bulldozers. He's entertained, and oh so proud for finding one of the above and naming it.  I even find myself getting excited by each find, and yes, playing along when riding solo.

4. Read books in interesting places. Our current fave is Momma's bed. Reading here often turns into jumping, "seat-dropping,"and pretend sleeping turned ticklefest.

5. Find a passion on You Tube and allow some screen time to be education. One of our favorites:

And yes, it's a series. Kid knows when there's a "new one" somehow. I think it's pretty interesting, and what other almost two-year-old knows what a swashplate is? What non-engineering adult knows that? We've both learned so much! Sometimes you need a break from the likes of Thomas, Elmo, and that jolly Mouse we all know and love.

6. Blow bubbles, lots of bubbles. Visit a dollar store and grab a few different wands to try out. These from Dollar Tree are our favorites. We love them so much we have a reserve since a few have had their last bubble days here on this earth thanks to the neighborhood toddlers.

You've also found yourself another opportunity for learning and reinforcing concepts -- big, small, up, down, float, pop, windy, high, low, you get the idea! 

7. Build towers, helicopters, houses, flowers...wherever our minds take us with Legos (or some version thereof).  I cannot wait to see where The Sheriff's imagination takes him with Legos as he grows older.  For now, I have my own adult fun and invite him to the party. See below:

Winter is coming. Momma, don't think that wall is gonna cut it. 
That's for you Game of Throne watchers. 

8. Move. We run and dance and jump and do yoga and turn the grout lines in the house into balance beams.  We take our helicopters on fly-bys and play hide-and-seek, well, a toddler version of sorts, I suppose.

I feel like this list should go on. Eight just feels wrong like I've said too much and should have stopped at five or that I didn't have enough for a post to make it to ten. But I'll take eight. Maybe you've got some ideas to add. That means at least two people have to comment which will take us to ten, but if more than 2 comment, then we've got to have 7 comments right? Kidding. Unless you're gonna do it!

Happy Almost Friday!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Toddler Days and Terrible Twos

I want to remember right now, today, this moment, as you approach your second birthday in a couple of months, just how wonderful these days can be when I allow them to be. The coming months and years bring channels of change, tests of patience, leaps of independence, moments of uncertainty. Let's agree to those pretty labels instead of "fits" and "tantrums" for now because, for now, I'd like to anticipate with such joy and such gratitude just how many wonderful memories we'll make.

Remind me that some moments in life call for simply being quiet and and observant. There's peace in the stillness.

I can't wait to see what else the depths of your eyes hold as I view the world again by your side.

As the big "2" draws closer, each day I get a small view into the boy you'll someday be, and my heart fills with pride. Pride not because you are mine, but because God lent you to us for some time here on Earth, and I can't wait to see where He takes you.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flaunt a Friend with Tiffany and Lindsey

I promised Tiffany I'd be back to share a couple of my favorite blogs and am finally cashing in on that promise. It took close to forever, and jotting it down in my planner (the non Erin Condren one. I know; I know. Haters gonna hate!),  and a reminder email from her, but here I am, so let's get the flatting started already shall we?

First stop on this little sharing journey brings us on over to Jess from Them and Us (former Dude and T*ree, and showing up on my tab as Wrangling Chaos -- she's in the midst of some blog name changes.). I've been reading her blog like a stalker for a while because I think she's one of the cool kids, but more recently have tried to be a more active commenter, and turns out, yep, she's a cool kid, but she's also super nice, full of great advice, and cracks me up several times a week. If that's not enough for you, her kids are adorable and also quite funny themselves. She tackles daily realities while also being transparent about some of the tougher parts of this whole parenting gig. And....if that's not enough, you can catch her here where you'll find her with several other mommas dishing out what they've learned along the way.

And while you are traveling around, go stop by to say hi to Lindsey at Something's Gotta Give, my in-real-life friend turned blog friend. We met through our moms' group, and our life stories overlap in a number of ways, and I am so grateful for her support and friendship. Lindsey chronicles her busy days of raising a sweet little toddler, cooking with allergy sensitivities, traveling, getting crafty with and without her son, and what I love most -- being stinking witty! She makes me smile; she'll make you smile. It's a win-win! 

Thanks for such a fun link-up ladies!