Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hodge Podge

It's Wednesday afternoon and the hubs just emailed that soccer is on (Portugal vs. Spain), so instead of watching SYTYCD and catching up, I'll go for soccer instead and try to jet out a post for tomorrow since I've got one for today after a couple of days' rest from the blogging world. I can always catch up on who Mary Murphy is putting on the hot tamale train, so hearing catchy phrases such as "the equalizer" it will be.

I've got a few posts in my head, well ideas, but they probably won't come together as full posts, so instead, let's make a list of nuggets I've learned since last week:

1. Given a choice while running errands toddler free, I will choose to belt out "Bobby McGee" while driving over Pearl Jam's "Better Man." I'm sorry Mr. Vedder, but my inner Janis sounds much better than my inner Eddie.

2.  Spray paint was inspired by the devil himself; I'm quite sure of it.

3. Spray paint will eat styrofoam.

4. Spray painting in 100 degree heat results in the paint cracking into webs as soon as it hits the surface.

5. One can buy spray paint freely at Walmart but not at Hobby Lobby. Do the kids doing whatever illegal activities they are doing with spray paint really consider going to the HobLob on a Friday night to load up instead of Wally World?

6. Textured spray paint will roll off of a non-wood surface.

7. When the husband says, "Why don't you just buy the frames you want instead of spraying something to create the ones you want?" I quietly think to myself that he might just be right, but then again, Pinterest might be out of followers if we think like that right?

8. My husband loves Hamburger Helper. A lot. And after 9 years I didn't realize it was so much or I would have made him some more often. And to think, he still keeps me around!

9. I am fully capable of walking in Michaels and walking out with the one item I went in to grab and nothing more.

10. There are more patriotic projects/crafts I want to do than can ever fit in our house. Look out, friends and family; these might be your Christmas presents!

11. I'm terrible at preparing for play dates/activities that involve packing a lunch. I do it last minute with an excited toddler halfway up my leg and I leave the biggest mess to tackle at nap time.

12. And although a little someone turns 2 on Saturday and is looking so much like a little boy, his face still looks like this when he sleeps:

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Green Thumb -- Growing Avocados

The word "love" is an understatement for our feelings about avocados around here. I think it's even the one food that The Sheriff doesn't tire of in the rotation. We all know how excited we get when they like something and serve it to them 14 millions times which I'm sure drives any toddler insane, but anyway, he's always liked them, and I love them, and what do you know, but they're healthy! 

So when my mom told me that my grandmother grew them, I just knew that my green thumb was about to lose its innocence:  it was time to garden, my friends!

J thinks it's pretty funny that I'm doing this all on hearsay and advice passed on from my grandmother to my mom and that I haven't looked up one morsel online about it. Hey, I don't think JuJu (my grandmother) looked up how to do this mess, although she is on fb. Hmm. Anyway, I thought, why not just give it a go and keep it uncomplicated with advice from Sandy Gardener online. I'm sorry if you exist Sandy Gardener. I'm sure you are a wonderful person who  may or may not grow things; I just needed a name. 

So here's the process (all passed on from one generation to the next. I feel like saying that makes growing things a bit more epic. Perhaps more so when something actually grows.) 

Step 1:
Eat an avocado. Choose your method, but do not, I repeat DO NOT, try to cook an egg inside an avocado inside of a cast iron skillet. That little nugget you saw on Pinterest, is a sham my friends! Listen to this voice of reason--a sham I tell you! --signed the girl who tried it and failed miserably. 

Step 2:
Take the seed out and wash away any avocado pieces and let it dry out a bit. The outer brown "shell" will start to crack and then you can peel it off like this:

Peel all of the brown off then move along.

Step 3:
Place three toothpicks in the upper half of the avocado so that you can place them on the rim of a plastic cup and the avocado seed can sit int the water about halfway.

Notice the horizontal line in the next picture. I made the mistake of starting it this way but then had to turn it. Since I haven't looked up anything online (I think) that natural line should be vertical when you put into water, BUT I noticed that the second set that I tried had one arranged this way and it started to crack in another direction to fix itself.

Step 4:
Place in water like so:

Make sure the water level stays up to cover at least half of the seed. If your seed doesn't sit far down enough, move the toothpicks further up. 

Apparently I do not have any pictures after these bad boys started sprouting. Basically, they make these disgusting roots down into the glass. One day I noticed that a "root" was growing up and was all--what the heck? Am I supposed to turn this over at some point? I've got to call Ju Ju and find out about this. (See, no Internet.)

I called my mom instead who then informed me that I was growing a stem, not a root! See how virgin my green thumb is!!! Well, no longer. Whether successful or not, I rode with The Sheriff and Cowboy over to HGC and picked up this pot and some potting soil (which apparently has all of these nutrients) and planted these bad boys!

I even found some "hired help" to keep up with the watering. 

But I gave them some "Momma love" too. These are my newest babies after all. Who needs a dog right? 

After watering daily, they look like this!

There are two seeds inside (obviously) but my mom suggested planting a male and female seed in the same pot. What?! was my first reaction. There are male and female avocado? Indeed, check the seed shape when you open them. I don't need to give you any further explanation. I hope.

Anyway, the stem in the background barely reached out of the dirt when I first planted it, so this is pretty exciting, and the one in the foreground didn't have leaves at first. We'll see what happens. A friend told me that the trees get pretty large. I'm not ready for backyard planting. Neither is J who might be "hired" to dig a hole. She also told me they'd have avocados by the time W was 16. I guess that's Cowboy's hope; we can force him to dig the dang hole!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Change-Up

I was supposed to have a "how I'm growing an avocado tree" post today which just needed a few touches before publishing, but somehow it seemed all too scheduled and put-together, and this week has been anything but that.  It hasn't been that bad, honestly. W's napping has been a bit off, he's challenged us a bit with the go-to toddler tantrum move, and no one will fill the damn hand soap by the sink! There I said it.

You see that? That hand soap issue? It was this week that little acts of service like that drove me up the wall. Surely someone else can take care of that crap right?

Or perhaps tonight when I was getting W ready for the bathtub and he would not let go of a paperback book to take with him and he peed all over me (and the carpet) while I was convincing him to put it on the chair. Surely someone else can clean that up right?

No, they can't. And they shouldn't. This complaining is all sounding so trivial. I realize that, but sometimes our life via blogging fits nicely into a box of perfection, and we all know it's just not so. Another post on that coming soon.

I sometimes get caught up and forget that part of my current calling as a wife and mother asks me to willingly complete these annoying tasks as an act of love given to those around me. I need to remind myself of that more often as viewing daily "to-dos" that way can be truly beautiful.

And don't worry; you're getting that avocado tree post next week!

But for tonight I think I'm going journal style which I haven't done in quite some time.


Outside my window... 

Ok, so I'm cheating a bit. This wasn't outside my window today, but yesterday when J played outside with W in the pool while I prepped part of our anniversary dinner and ate pretty much an entire artichoke by myself while dodging a butterfly trying to have a bit, J looked up to find this in the sky. This perfect  rainbow, a rainbow which I have been looking for in the sky for a couple of weeks not, a rainbow that appeared on a day with no rain, a rainbow who showed its glory last night about the same time on the same day that we were married 9 years ago, a rainbow I needed.)
 I hit it with IG of course so the sky looks a bit darker, but it was wonderful!

I am proud of... a toddler walking up the stairs to the slide at the pool on two feet and of his own accord. Who cares if he looks like a zombie coming to wreak terror upon the land?

I am listening to... Jeff Van Gundy. Heat vs. Thunder. This could be the end, kids. Who am I kidding? They will take this series to the end; I just know it! (Although hubs just gave his commentary, "Too young. You've got to go through the trials and tribulations.")

I am excited about... some rotating play dates with our friends where we'll attempt "school" type activities. We are started next week over here with shapes, and I'm totally using Lindsey's idea. We might make something out of the shapes we pull too. 

I am wondering... what the hell, yes hell (this warrants that) an older, larger man was doing at the pool last week crab walking over to the slide area and proceeding to walk up the stairs and slide down while managing to creep out everyone nearby. It was weird! Did I mention that he could barely walk? Seriously, he crab walked all around the pool, barely pulled himself up the slide structure, and somehow managed to climb out of the slide afterwards.
Oh, and his swim suit was ill-fitting.
He was at the pool alone and was too close to my bubble and that of my child. Creeper! 

I am loving... today's pool experience instead. It was warm enough out for Momma to not get cold and yet cool enough to not sweat my tail off watching W go up to the slide over and over again. And yea, the random old guy wasn't there either.

I appreciate.. a wonderful library experience today. The Sheriff sat in my lap for the majority of story time which was a bit of a challenge a few months ago. We mistakenly went to the older kids class (ages 3-6) and that might have had something to do with it. There was less activity and distraction, and he seems to like to follow what older kids are doing. Our favorite librarian led today too!

From the kitchen... Broccoli Parmesan Fritters. Yes, you heard that right? Don't knock until you try; they are from Smitten Kitchen, so you know they are legit. Toddler mommas looking to get in veggies--do it!
And then I made EPC's Chocolate Pudding Pie last night for the hubs. Yea, we both had (are having as we speak) some, but really, he loves it. That's how you know how much I love you J! I sacrificed my ice cream for that pie! 

I am grateful... 9 years! And all of your sweethearts that wished me a happy anniversary on fb and twitter.

I am praying... in thanksgiving. I needed that rainbow!

Sheriff... is going to be two! TWO! That's so exciting, and I swear he grew overnight last night. He seemed taller, older somehow today. Must have been that rainbow.

I am attempting to live the Gospel by... making time to invest more of my day in the Word. I'm working on it in the morning, and if I don't get it in then, I'm bad 

A picture thought I am sharing...

Jacob captured this handsome boy after his first rainbow sighting on our wonderful outdoor evening.

Thanks for listening y'all! I needed that venting and I already feel better. See, I even ended with one of my favorite pictures of The Sheriff and rainbows. Life is good. Hand soap, schmand soap!
Sorry to go all Pollyanna on ya. I'm just choosing joy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Semi Wordless Wednesday

I wonder what he's thinking as he passes the afternoon, blower in hand, eyes trailing a bubble drifting silently toward the sky. May your life be kind and uncomplicated, little boy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Morning Fit For a Queen

Toddlers never fail to surprise us, right? For example, one day they are loving all things strawberry and the next won't touch them. Perhaps they slept until a certain time their entire lives, but then something in their little bodies decides than an hour earlier would be a fitting time to wake.

I, for one, was surely not expected a grinning "yea" and a run towards the television when I asked The Sheriff if he wanted to watch "The Queen." I'm a fan of this whole royalty business. It fascinates me (perhaps enough to do some leisurely reading up on it, besides wondering if Kate really does have a baby bump on the cover of a checkout counter magazine. I should look into something more substantial.) 

So when I happened to turn on the Today Show last Tuesday morning (I think) and catch Queen Elizabeth's balcony appearance as part of the last day's celebration in London, I kept my fingers crossed that someone wanted to sit long enough to check it out.

Maybe he sensed that Queen Elizabeth was a toddler herself one day:


Maybe he just heard the word "fly" as the announcers mentioned the upcoming Flypast. With an attentive toddler as the planes flew over,  Momma was even grinning ear to ear when the red, white, and blue smoke trailed out from behind. 

Isn't she lovely!

We even gave Her Majesty a few "hip, hip, hoorays" before her departure back inside, and it must be said that he has requested to watch "The Queen" a few times since that morning. This child will do anything to view a couple of flying machines, and I hope he will always find such passion in life.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Is it Normal For My Toddler

Baby Center recently sent an email with an "is it normal for my toddler" article which given that I have one of those mentioned toddlers, I glanced at.

Unfortunately it did not cover the following:

--It is normal for my toddler to want to read the same book every night, but it must be mentioned that said "book" is a party supply catalog that includes several recoqnizable characters? Kiddo calls it "read Chuggington."

--Is it normal for my toddler to bump into walls all of the time because he's running so fast and has yet to learn to watch where he's going?

--Is it normal for my toddler to think every piece of dirt is a "yuck bug?"

--Is it normal for my toddler to stare at me like I am certifiably insane and should live in a padded room while I sing hokey-pokey with Elmo on Pandora while he shows no intention of standing from his lying down position in the ball pit and joining me?

--Is it normal for my toddler to repeat his thought over and over until you not only acknowledge that he's speaking but say the exact same thing?

I'd have to pull out my own "expert" knowledge and say that yes, our Sheriff is completely normal in the sense that these little people we call toddlers are utterly abnormal in ways that can only make us sit back, smile, and thank God that they are a part of our lives.

Wait, you don't look like this after
you eat birthday cake? 
Have a great week, y'all!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Getting Canon "Rebel-lious"

See what I did there?

So it's lame. That's fine. I accepted my own cheesiness long, long ago.

The Sheriff needs a haircut, and this past week he woke from his a bit too short of a nap with the sweetest sleepy eyes and the cutest bedhead. (Every mother thinks her child has the cutest bedhead, and those thoughts are ones to keep the world turning, my friends.)

I hadn't taken out the "real" camera as I call it in a while, and I'm no photographer. I have no clue how to edit pictures. Maybe one of you awesome bloggers will fly your editing selves down here one day and teach me. I'll supply the ritas and queso. You bring the Adobe.

I just knew in my heart that his look on that day was one I'd want to remember for my life.

Something tells me he must think he's still dreaming in this next one.

We went out for a wagon ride to grab the mail and blow bubbles in the shaded but still utterly hot garage. Somehow I captures this face. If only my lighting were right! But I gave it the old "black and white" and it makes me smile.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where We Put Pickup Trucks to Good Use

Y'all know that I like doing "school" type activities with The Sheriff. For one, I think he's pretty dang smart and picks up on concepts pretty quickly, so why not? Then there's that teacher part of me that enjoys putting my resources and creativity to an instructive use, and we all know that Pinterest is one of the best resources we've got around today, especially for all things toddler. 

I came across this activity and thought it would be perfect. W finds entertainment in anything that is transportation related, and he's loving numbers these days. 

As it turns out though, this activity was part of a larger lesson plan available for purchase I believe. Well, I wasn't buying anything, so I turned to Images looking for the perfect truck silhouette. I never found such an image, but I was directed to this site where I learned how to draw one myself. 

Not so bad, if I do say so myself. 

But I needed multiple trucks and wasn't headed out to make copies or spend time drawing again, so The Sheriff and I made quick work of the 3 in 1 printer. 

He was amazed when truck pictures kept coming out. 

Toddler Mom Note-- Apparently making copies and shredding paper are stellar time fillers. Maybe I should look into some sort of work from home career.

After coloring our trucks (I obviously did the one below. W had his own page and was allowed to use markers. I can only imagine what Honest Toddler thinks about markers.)

We didn't make it through many rounds. I'd say that the copy machine and markers took it out of him. The boy put in a full morning.

(Updated: We took them out again Tuesday and he counted blocks for every truck, so I did what any blogging mom would do and IG-ed whatever trucks I could fit on my screen. Success!)

(If you are interested in the full-sized truck, let me know and I can send it your way.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sweet Summertime -- Oh How Pinteresting!

Yep, I'm a stay at home mom. Yep, the days during the same are no different than those of any other season. Wait, yes they are. They are longer. And hotter. You know, hot enough to only be able to play outside early in the morning or late in the evening too close to W's bedtime. I suppose that's unless we are submerged in water which we plan to do quite often this summer.

I guess for me it's once a teacher, always a teacher.  Summer feels different to me and with that difference comes the spark to be productive. I like to do house projects in the summertime; I get more crafty this season. I want to be out of the house running errands more often. (Let it be noted that W, on the other hand, does not. I wonder if his Daddy is coaching him on that one. Hmmm... Momma must stay home therefore she cannot spend money. Makes sense!)

Anyway, I am determined to work on the walls of our house a bit and don't plan on painting. I want to think about gallery walls, curtains, etc.

With that in mind, I am not actively searching Pinterest for new ideas but instead will focus on what I've pinned and make some happen, and I need you to keep me accountable. Thanks in advance!

And it's Wednesday, and this post is for sure Pinteresting, and I haven't linked up in forever!

My current top 5 include:


This is happening--glitter mess and all! I'm almost finished with this project to add to the rest of my patriotic summer mantle. It'll be ready for July 4 and will remain throughout the Olympics. USA! USA! I love the good old red, white, and blue, and it's time to decorate more fully for my favorite holiday. We are even planning a toddler Olympics playdate!


I've just ordered the prints for this one. So excited! There are a few other IG displays I have pinned as well. Our house may soon become one big IG collage! 


I get it: The Sheriff is just about to turn 2 and is no Picasso, but we do craft, draw, and paint together. It saves my sanity, and I honestly think he likes seeing his work up around the house. I think these will be perfect.


This one's practical; I've got a couple of shelves that need bins, so we'll work on this one.


And finally, I've got to get my hands on an old door. I would love to make this one! Fingers crossed! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

By The Numbers

I've seen this idea floating around here and there, and the only place I can pinpoint my inspiration is to Danielle. Summer is hitting in full force around here as are the last of two-year molars. We are hot; we are uncomfortable. Yet we are not broken. (That sounds a bit dramatic, now doesn't it?)

But let's recap last week by the numbers, shall we:

32 -- The number of times (in a row, as in nonstop) a certain Sheriff requested that we "watch I Keen" (also known as Lightning McQueen) on the car ride home from the Baptism we attended Sunday.

4 -- The number of times we "made it rain" on the water table. I'd say my $35 was worth it.

23 -- The number of kiwis fop which HEB charged me. I bought 3.

2 -- The number of people crying on the way home from a birthday play date. One of them was behind sunglasses in the front seat. Oh these toddler tantrums hurt my heart.

0 -- The number of bottles of wine purchased. We've got to make a baby, people!

10 -- The number of minutes spent "cleaning" at the park, and by cleaning I mean throwing stray wood chips off the stairs/slide to the ground where they belong.

6 -- The number of times a certain toddler sat on the potty in a 3 day span.

1 -- The number of times said toddler actually peed.

2 -- The number of vacuums we own and that were used simultaneously. I am so thankful we kept that tiny one from J's first apartment. It's perfectly toddler sized and entertained for 30 minutes. Win.

3 -- The perfect number of sidewalk sprinklers for a post park trip cool down.

Have a great day y'all!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Living in Blog Land While Trying to Get Pregnant

If you are family (heck, if you are not) and this is TMI, please skip today's post and wait for tomorrow. There's sure to be a cute picture of The Sheriff or something then.

Today, we talk about infertility, and more specifically, trying to get pregnant while participating in this time sink we call blogging. Yea, it's a productive time sink;  I've met new friends and get great support and advice. Plus Laurie Berkner gave me a shout-out on facebook. So maybe it's no time sink after all.

Back to the topic at hand. When my period starts during this whole journey, I get all doom and gloom (D&G we'll call it) and my head knows we'll never get pregnant and my heart feels we'll never get pregnant and gahhh woe is me! It's dramatic I know. Let's blame the hormones, why don't we.

As a blogger when D&G hits, heck, maybe not being just a blogger yourself but also a facebook and twitter participant, I am in trouble. Someone, somewhere on the Internet is complaining about not being able to get comfortable to sleep or having to pee too much or craving too many pieces of pickles or spicy Cheetos. And this my friends, makes me lose my grits and say things to the hubs like, "I'd give my two pinky toes to be in her shoes. She's so insensitive. Well, throw in the 'ring finger' toe on my left foot too because my pinky toenails are really small so maybe they don't count. But yea, she's insensitive. Does she not know how many people each day are trying to get pregnant?"

I cruise around Google Reader a bit more and what do you know, another child W's age is wearing a big brother shirt announcing the great news to the world. This, my friends, jumpstarts another two trains of thought:

--Oh my gosh, that kid is W's age. We need to have a baby. NOW. Eveyrone is having babies. Time is running out.

-- And then a bit more gloomy -- When is it my turn? What am I doing wrong?

There's more. All of those pregnant friends then start talking to each other about swaddling blankets or nursery colors. Oh, and the pins! These people have some nerve, huh?!

Soon enough all of the D&G runs its course, and I realize my journey is my own, and that each blogger, facebook friend, twitter friend, is on her own journey, living her own story with its challenges.

In her journey she may indeed need to complain about not sleeping and having too many bathroom breaks. It's where she is and that's perfectly ok. In fact, it's beautiful!
The world does not view itself through the lens of infertility and it shouldn't.

And those friends that are expecting #2 and 3 or 4 or whatever, well cheers to them! God is good!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Vacation Outtakes -- Hyatt Lost Pines

Because you didn't get enough from the other vacation posts...(you only thought the others were full of pictures!)

Wyatt, what kind of tree is that?
(No, he never did respond with "pecan tree" after asking him every time we passed by.)

Daddy, you did a "good job" planning this one!

Everything is going "ok."

Elevator fun. We had the conversation as to whether people might thing W is blind because he loves wearing those sunglasses inside all of the time. He's happy, so I never typically notice.

This beautiful lawn hosted the longhorns and bounce house Friday morning, and the other side of the building was the scene for s'mores at night. 

Wait, we haven't talked about the s'mores yet? Every night they lit the fire pits for a nice snack before setting up a big outdoor screen for a movie. The movie night idea is genius and will be perfect for going back with older kids. 

But back to the s'mores. 

We'll call these "his and hers" because well, The Sheriff just wanted the graham crackers. Now I want to be back there STAT!

We spent a few minutes up and down the stairs at the playground while waiting for the eight o'clock hour when s'mores begin. No slide, Mom, I'll just play on these stairs, thanks. This may be my favorite picture of the trip.

Lastly, Cowboy took this one, then IGed it, and it makes me feel beautiful (as did your comments. Thank you friends.) But those moments of feeling glamourous are sometimes so few and far between. And we women need them! I think my best accessory is the little guy holding my hand.

 Cheers to our first real family vacation in the books! Can't wait for our next adventure!

*I was in no way compensated for this post.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Four-Legged Vacation Friends

The resort at Lost Pines is home to more than our aquatic adventures; in fact, this guy greets you in the lobby.

Meet Hoss. I want a Hoss. He's huge, even larger than he looks in the photo, and we were told he's only 5 years old, but he was the laziest son of a gun dog I've ever seen. Minus all of that fur, that's my kind of dog. Lie there and let the children love on you. Perfect.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So What!

I'm linking up again this week with Shannon

and throwing my hands up saying So What! if...

*my skillet for morning eggs gets washed every night and set right back on the stove again for tomorrow. Eggs every day my friends.
*I am terrible at this whole twitter thing. I might check it in the morning and respond to several people and then not check it again until the evening. I'm so not a twitter conversationalist.
*The vinegar + dawn clean your shower spray practically blinds and chokes me. I like the clean feel it gives to the shower door.
*I'm scarred from our last trip to the playscape when two big kids pushed sweet W down the slide. Kids are mean!
*I wrote down what I'd give the big "So What!" over the weekend because I'd forget by the time Wednesday came around.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We Took A "Real" Vacation

We travel with The Sheriff fairly often, but thus far our vacations have carried us back and forth on the impudent I-10, always so forward with its road closures and come-to-a-complete-stop road trip antics, to see friends and family back home. The time had come for a little adventure of our own, and after hearing great recommendations from friends, we decided to head over to Lost Pines to stay at the Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa for the Thursday through Saturday before Memorial Day.

While we planned for little, ok no, "spa" in our trip, we found some relaxation by the pool in a 1'6" toddler paradise, perfect for giving Momma and Daddy just the right amount of splash therapy while sipping on a margarita or two in the sun. Who really needs massages and pedicures after all right? (Ok, given more time, I would have totally taken advantage of it!)

So today I give you the "Water Edition" recap (a toddler in water picture heavy post. You've been warned.)


on a


W went in with so much gusto that he was under in less than 4 minutes after we arrived. I hadn't even taken off my coverup and had to do the everything is moving in slow motion run to grab him thus soaking my clothes.

Here we are having a little chat to make the world right again.

I was worried that the trip would be ruined; he'd be scared to fall under again and the pool would be a done deal.


This little pool was perfect for the little ones. We brought beach toys in; we threw footballs; we ran around and even practiced going under and coming back up. And since the bottom was a bit rough, rough enough that I would have ruined a pedicure had I gotten one, Momma and Daddy found themselves sitting on the side with our ritas tossing balls for the little guy. Thursday was nice, but by Friday afternoon the Memorial Day crowd began rolling in, and I became that mom cursing in my head of course the adults (with kids no less!) who crowded the toddler pool with beach chairs. Seriously, where are these little people supposed to swim?!

He only paused for some "mandatory" take a break and smile with Momma moments.

I'm so thankful for the man behind those moments and found myself behind the lens for just a bit to snag a picture of the guys hanging out in the deeper pool. The picture doesn't show it, but the grounds include a walk-in beach to this pool, a feature I think we'll enjoy more once The Sheriff's a little older. He's such a water boy right now with little time for sand.

This larger pool also connected to a lazy river with perfect inner tubes for the littles guys and gals with a sealed bottom so they could sit and ride along without keeping their larger counterparts from relaxing as well.  The Sheriff rode along like it's what he was made to do. Little Stinker.

With Wyatt's age, the pool was certainly the highlight of our stay. I think we even ate all but one meal out there. There are tons of activities for older kids, but right now, Momma, Daddy, and a little guy just shy of two, took a break from life for a while to soak up the sun and the love of each other.

*I was in no way compensated for this post.